The admission fee for first degree studies is:
150 PLN - for the following fields of study: Architecture, Design, Advanced Design and Technology;
85 PLN - for other fields of study.
The candidate pays the admission fee for each programme.
The admission fee is paid via the electronic payment method (PAYU) provided in the admission portal.
The condition for the consideration of a candidate's application, is the payment of the admission fee up to the last day of registration of candidates, specified in the enrollment schedule.
Lodz University of Technology is not responsible for the consequences of misqualification or failure to accept the payment due to circumstances on the part of the payer.
The admission fee may be returned to the candidate in case of failure to open the programme.
The tuition fees per semester, for full-time and part-time studies for foreign candidates in the academic year 2024/2025 at Lodz University of Technology.
Faculty | Study program | Cycle of study |
Tuition fee 2024/25 (per semester) |
Mechanical Engineering | Automatyka i robotyka | first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 4300 PLN |
Energetyka | 4300 PLN | ||
Materiały i Technologie Przyszłości | 4300 PLN | ||
Mechanika i budowa maszyn | 4300 PLN | ||
Transport | 4300 PLN | ||
Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering | Automatyka i sterowanie robotów | first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 4850 PLN |
Elektronika i telekomunikacja | 4850 PLN | ||
Elektrotechnika | 4850 PLN | ||
Informatyka | 4850 PLN | ||
Inżynieria biomedyczna | 4850 PLN | ||
Mechatronika | 4850 PLN | ||
Systemy sterowania inteligentnymi budynkami |
4850 PLN | ||
Chemistry | Analityka chemiczna | first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 3500 PLN |
Chemia | 3500 PLN | ||
Informatyka w ochronie środowiska | 3500 PLN | ||
Nanotechnologia | 3500 PLN | ||
Technologia chemiczna | 3500 PLN | ||
Material Technologies and Textile Design | Inżynieria wzornictwa przemysłowego |
first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 4950 PLN |
Tekstronika | 5680 PLN | ||
Textile and Fashion Industry | 7300 PLN | ||
Włókiennictwo i przemysł mody | 5680 PLN | ||
Wzornictwo | first-cycle (Bachelor) | 4950 PLN | |
Biotechnology and Food Sciences | Biotechnologia | first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 8500 PLN |
Ekotechnologie i bioprocesy | 8500 PLN | ||
Technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka |
8500 PLN | ||
Menedżer żywności i żywienia | first-cycle (Bachelor) | 8500 PLN | |
Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering | Architektura | first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 4500 PLN |
Architecture | 8000 PLN | ||
Budownictwo | 4500 PLN | ||
Inżynieria środowiska w budownictwie |
4500 PLN | ||
Planowanie przestrzenne | 4500 PLN | ||
Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics | Fizyka techniczna | first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 5500 PLN |
Informatyka stosowana | 5500 PLN | ||
Matematyka stosowana | first-cycle (Bachelor) | 5500 PLN | |
Aktuariat i analiza finansowa | 5500 PLN | ||
Organization and Management | Logistyka | first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 4500 PLN |
Marketing w przemyśle | 3000 PLN | ||
Papiernictwo i poligrafia (full-time) | 2800 PLN | ||
Papiernictwo i poligrafia (part-time) | 3000 PLN | ||
Zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji | 3000 PLN | ||
Zarządzanie | first-cycle (Bachelor) | 2700 PLN | |
Process and Environmental Engineering | Inżynieria ochrony środowiska | first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 4000 PLN |
Inżynieria procesów przemysłowych | 4000 PLN | ||
Inżynieria bezpieczeństwa pracy | 4000 PLN | ||
International Faculty of Engineering (IFE) | Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materials |
first-cycle (Bachelor of Science) | 8000 PLN |
Biomedical Engineering and Technologies |
8000 PLN | ||
Business, Society and Technology (Eng; Eng-Fr) |
8000 PLN | ||
Computer Science | 8000 PLN | ||
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering |
8000 PLN | ||
Gestion et Technologie | 8000 PLN | ||
Industrial Biotechnology | 8000 PLN | ||
Information Technology | 8000 PLN | ||
Mathematical Methods in Data Analysis |
8000 PLN | ||
Mechanical Engineering | 8000 PLN | ||
Modelling and Data Science | 8000 PLN | ||
Business Studies | first-cycle (Bachelor) | 8000 PLN |
Only the payment for the 1st semester should be done to one of these accounts. Later on, as a student, you will make transfers to an individual bank account number. These are numbers for ALL international candidates.
Details of Lodz University of Technology bank account:
Account name (beneficiary):
Lodz University of Technology
Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
Bank name:
Bank PEKAO SA, II Branch Lodz
Piotrkowska 270, 90-361 Lodz, Poland
Account no (used only when paying for the 1st semester of studies!):
PL25 1240 3028 1111 0000 2822 2228 (PLN)*
PL23 1240 3028 1978 0000 2822 2273 (EUR)*
Payment title: "Tuition fee" + student's full name + name of the faculty
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Higher Education and Science of September 27, 2018 concerning studies (i.e., Journal of Laws from 2021, item 661), fees are charged for the following documents:
1) Student ID card - 22 PLN;
2) Extra copies other than those issued under Article 77, paragraph 2 of the Act on Higher Education and Science:
a) foreign-language copy of a diploma of graduation - 20 PLN;
b) foreign-language copy of a diploma supplement - 20 PLN;
c) duplicate of a diploma of graduation - 20 PLN;
d) duplicate of a diploma supplement - 20 PLN;
3) For the issue of a duplicate student ID card - 33 PLN.
4) For authentication of documents for legal proceedings abroad - 26 PLN.
The fees specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 must be paid no later than the date of delivery of the document.
Fees for part-time studies of first and second degree for the repeated course due to unsatisfactory academic results.
Students of all years of part-time studies will pay fees according to the following rules:
1) Students with conditional registration and repeated courses taken in a given semester shall pay an additional fee for each ECTS credit assigned to the repeated courses in that semester, which results from (1):
Fee per 1 ECTS credit = ( 1/total ECTS credits per semester according to program) x fee per semester
"semester fee" means the amount of the semester fee applicable to a particular field of study in accordance with the Appendix to this Announcement.
2) Students repeating a semester or a year of study pay in the repeated period of study only the fee for the repetition of classes taught in the semester in the amount resulting from the product of the number of ECTS credits assigned to the repeated classes and the fee per ECTS point calculated according to relation (1) specified in item (1), except the case specified in item 3.
3) Students who have not submitted their thesis by the deadline, are repeating the last semester of study and have been approved to extend the deadline for submission of the thesis shall pay a fee for the repetition of classes necessary for the preparation of the thesis. This fee is independent of the fee charged for the repetition of other classes. The amount of this fee depends on the number of ECTS credits assigned in the program of studies to the course "diploma thesis" or an equivalent course allowing for the submission of the diploma thesis, as well as the progress of the diploma thesis, expressed in %, as determined by the thesis supervisor, and is determined individually for each student before the beginning of the repeated semester by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs according to relation (2)
Fee = number of ECTS credits assigned to the thesis x fee per 1 credit. ECTS x (100% - % progression of work)
(in relation (2), the fee amount per 1 ECTS point is calculated according to relation (1) above)
2) The fees listed in paragraph 1 should be paid within 30 days from the date provided to the student via WebDziekanat, the same as the date of entry of the charge into the university's computer system. The fee shall be paid without an additional call to the student for payment. The date of payment of the fee is the date of deposit of funds in the university's bank account.
3) The dean of student affairs of the faculty conducting the educational process may establish installment payments for the repetition of classes, and in justified cases establish partial or full fee exemption for the student in accordance with the Resolution.
Fees in full-time first and second degree programs for the repetition of certain classes due to unsatisfactory academic performance.
1. Students of all years of full-time study will pay fees for the repetition of certain classes due to unsatisfactory academic performance according to the following rules
1) Students of all years of full-time studies, with the exception of courses conducted in Internation Faculty of Engineering repeating a subject should pay a fee of 65 PLN for each ECTS point assigned to the repeated subject, regardless of the language in which the subject is taught, with the following
a) The fee is not charged for repeating obligatory internships.
b) In the case of repetition of Physical Education classes, which have not been assigned credits in the study program, the following fees are charged: for repetition of a 30-hour course module -130 PLN, for repetition of a 15-hour course module -65 PLN.
2) Students of all years of full-time studies realized in International Faculty of Engineering repeating a subject pay a fee of 90 PLN for each ECTS point assigned to the repeated subject, regardless of the language in which the subject is taught, taking into account the rules set out in point. 1 letters a and b.
3) Students who have not submitted their thesis by the deadline, are repeating the last semester of study and have been granted an extension of the deadline for submission of the thesis shall pay a fee for the repetition of classes necessary for the preparation of the thesis. This fee is independent of the fee charged for the repetition of other courses. The amount of this fee depends on the number of ECTS credits assigned in the program of studies to the course " thesis" or an equivalent course leading to the submission of the diploma thesis, as well as the progress of the thesis, expressed in %, as determined by the thesis supervisor, and is determined individually for each student before the beginning of the repeated semester by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs according to relation (3):
Fee = number of ECTS credits assigned to the thesis x fee per 1 pt. ECTS x (100% - % progression of the thesis)
(According to (3), the basic rate for 1 ECTS point is 65 PLN, respectively, and for students pursuing studies in International Faculty of Engineering, the rate for 1 ECTS point is 90 PLN).
(2) The fees mentioned in paragraph 1 should be paid within 30 days from the date provided to the Student via WebDziekanat the same as the date of entering the charge into the university's computer system. The fee shall be paid without an additional call to the student for payment. The date of payment of the fee shall be the date of deposit of funds in the university's bank account.
(3) The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs of the faculty conducting the educational process may establish installment payments for the repetition of classes or semester, and in justified cases establish partial or full fee exemption for the student in accordance with the Resolution.
The admission fee for first degree studies is:
100 PLN – for second-cycle fields of study for which an entrance exam (interview) is required;
85 PLN – for other fields of study
The candidate pays the admission fee for each programme.
The admission fee is paid via the electronic payment method (PAYU) provided in the admission portal.
The condition for the consideration of a candidate's application, is the payment of the admission fee up to the last day of registration of candidates, specified in the enrollment schedule.
Lodz University of Technology is not responsible for the consequences of misqualification or failure to accept the payment due to circumstances on the part of the payer.
The admission fee may be returned to the candidate in case of failure to open the programme.
The tuition fees per semester, for full-time and part-time studies for foreign candidates in the academic year 2024/2025 at Lodz University of Technology.
Faculty | Study program | Cycle of study |
Tuition fee 2024/25 (per semester) |
Mechanical Engineering | Automatyka i robotyka | second-cycle | 4500 PLN |
Materiały i Technologie | 4500 PLN | ||
Mechanika i budowa maszyn | 4500 PLN | ||
Transport | 4500 PLN | ||
Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering | Automatyka i sterowanie robotów | second-cycle | 5400 PLN |
Elektronika i telekomunikacja (Applied Electronics) |
5400 PLN | ||
Elektronika i telekomunikacja | 5400 PLN | ||
Elektrotechnika | 5400 PLN | ||
Informatyka | 5400 PLN | ||
Inżynieria biomedyczna | 5400 PLN | ||
Sztuczna inteligencja i uczenie maszynowe |
5400 PLN | ||
Chemistry | Chemia | second-cycle | 4500 PLN |
Chemia budowlana | 4500 PLN | ||
Chemia w kryminalistyce | 4500 PLN | ||
Nanotechnologia | 4500 PLN | ||
Nanotechnology | 5500 PLN | ||
Technologia chemiczna | 4500 PLN | ||
Material Technologies and Textile Design | Design | second-cycle | 7300 PLN |
Textile Engineering | 7300 PLN | ||
Włókiennictwo | 4950 PLN | ||
Wzornictwo | 4950 PLN | ||
Biotechnology and Food Sciences | Biogospodarka zrównoważona | second-cycle | 9000 PLN |
Biotechnologia | 9000 PLN | ||
Technologia kosmetyków | 9000 PLN | ||
Technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka |
9000 PLN | ||
Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering | Architektura | second-cycle | 4500 PLN |
Architecture | 8000 PLN | ||
Budownictwo (full-time) | 4500 PLN | ||
Budownictwo (part-time) | 52000 PLN | ||
Inżynieria środowiska w budownictwie (full-time) |
4500 PLN | ||
Inżynieria środowiska w budownictwie (part-time) |
5100 PLN | ||
Planowanie przestrzenne | 4500 PLN | ||
Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics | Fizyka techniczna | second-cycle | 5500 PLN |
Informatyka stosowana | 5500 PLN | ||
Matematyka stosowana | 5500 PLN | ||
Organization and Management | Papiernictwo i poligrafia | second-cycle | 3000 PLN |
Zarządzanie | 3000 PLN | ||
Zarządzanie produkcją | 3000 PLN | ||
Process and Environmental Engineering | Energy systems in the built environment |
second-cycle | 4600 PLN |
Inżynieria ochrony środowiska | 4200 PLN | ||
Inżynieria procesów przemysłowych | 4200 PLN | ||
International Faculty of Engineering (IFE) | Computer Science and Information Technology |
second-cycle | 8000 PLN |
Master in Mechanical Engineering | 8000 PLN | ||
Master of Business Studies | 8000 PLN | ||
Smart Manufacturing | 8000 PLN | ||
Human – Computer Interaction | 8000 PLN | ||
Industrial Biotechnology | 8000 PLN | ||
Future Mobility | 8000 PLN |
Only the payment for the 1st semester should be done to one of these accounts. Later on, as a student, you will make transfers to an individual bank account number. These are numbers for ALL international candidates.
Details of Lodz University of Technology bank account:
Account name (beneficiary):
Lodz University of Technology
Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
Bank name:
Bank PEKAO SA, II Branch Lodz
Piotrkowska 270, 90-361 Lodz, Poland
Account no (used only when paying for the 1st semester of studes!):
PL25 1240 3028 1111 0000 2822 2228 (PLN)*
PL23 1240 3028 1978 0000 2822 2273 (EUR)*
Payment title: "Tuition fee" + student's full name + name of the faculty
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Higher Education and Science of September 27, 2018 concerning studies (i.e., Journal of Laws from 2021, item 661), fees are charged for the following documents:
1) Student ID card - 22 PLN;
2) Extra copies other than those issued under Article 77, paragraph 2 of the Act on Higher Education and Science:
a) foreign-language copy of a diploma of graduation - 20 PLN;
b) foreign-language copy of a diploma supplement - 20 PLN;
c) duplicate of a diploma of graduation - 20 PLN;
d) duplicate of a diploma supplement - 20 PLN;
3) For the issue of a duplicate student ID card - 33 PLN.
4) For authentication of documents for legal proceedings abroad - 26 PLN.
The fees specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 must be paid no later than the date of delivery of the document.
Fees for part-time studies of first and second degree for the repeated course due to unsatisfactory academic results.
Students of all years of part-time studies will pay fees according to the following rules:
1) Students with conditional registration and repeated courses taken in a given semester shall pay an additional fee for each ECTS credit assigned to the repeated courses in that semester, which results from (1):
Fee per 1 ECTS credit = ( 1/total ECTS credits per semester according to program) x fee per semester
"semester fee" means the amount of the semester fee applicable to a particular field of study in accordance with the Appendix to this Announcement.
2) Students repeating a semester or a year of study pay in the repeated period of study only the fee for the repetition of classes taught in the semester in the amount resulting from the product of the number of ECTS credits assigned to the repeated classes and the fee per ECTS point calculated according to relation (1) specified in item (1), except the case specified in item 3.
3) Students who have not submitted their thesis by the deadline, are repeating the last semester of study and have been approved to extend the deadline for submission of the thesis shall pay a fee for the repetition of classes necessary for the preparation of the thesis. This fee is independent of the fee charged for the repetition of other classes. The amount of this fee depends on the number of ECTS credits assigned in the program of studies to the course "diploma thesis" or an equivalent course allowing for the submission of the diploma thesis, as well as the progress of the diploma thesis, expressed in %, as determined by the thesis supervisor, and is determined individually for each student before the beginning of the repeated semester by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs according to relation (2)
Fee = number of ECTS credits assigned to the thesis x fee per 1 credit. ECTS x (100% - % progression of work)
(in relation (2), the fee amount per 1 ECTS point is calculated according to relation (1) above)
2) The fees listed in paragraph 1 should be paid within 30 days from the date provided to the student via WebDziekanat, the same as the date of entry of the charge into the university's computer system. The fee shall be paid without an additional call to the student for payment. The date of payment of the fee is the date of deposit of funds in the university's bank account.
3) The dean of student affairs of the faculty conducting the educational process may establish installment payments for the repetition of classes, and in justified cases establish partial or full fee exemption for the student in accordance with the Resolution.
Fees in full-time first and second degree programs for the repetition of certain classes due to unsatisfactory academic performance.
1. Students of all years of full-time study will pay fees for the repetition of certain classes due to unsatisfactory academic performance according to the following rules
1) Students of all years of full-time studies, with the exception of courses conducted in Internation Faculty of Engineering repeating a subject should pay a fee of 65 PLN for each ECTS point assigned to the repeated subject, regardless of the language in which the subject is taught, with the following
a) The fee is not charged for repeating obligatory internships.
b) In the case of repetition of Physical Education classes, which have not been assigned credits in the study program, the following fees are charged: for repetition of a 30-hour course module -130 PLN, for repetition of a 15-hour course module -65 PLN.
2) Students of all years of full-time studies realized in International Faculty of Engineering repeating a subject pay a fee of 90 PLN for each ECTS point assigned to the repeated subject, regardless of the language in which the subject is taught, taking into account the rules set out in point. 1 letters a and b.
3) Students who have not submitted their thesis by the deadline, are repeating the last semester of study and have been granted an extension of the deadline for submission of the thesis shall pay a fee for the repetition of classes necessary for the preparation of the thesis. This fee is independent of the fee charged for the repetition of other courses. The amount of this fee depends on the number of ECTS credits assigned in the program of studies to the course " thesis" or an equivalent course leading to the submission of the diploma thesis, as well as the progress of the thesis, expressed in %, as determined by the thesis supervisor, and is determined individually for each student before the beginning of the repeated semester by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs according to relation (3):
Fee = number of ECTS credits assigned to the thesis x fee per 1 pt. ECTS x (100% - % progression of the thesis)
(According to (3), the basic rate for 1 ECTS point is 65 PLN, respectively, and for students pursuing studies in International Faculty of Engineering, the rate for 1 ECTS point is 90 PLN).
(2) The fees mentioned in paragraph 1 should be paid within 30 days from the date provided to the Student via WebDziekanat the same as the date of entering the charge into the university's computer system. The fee shall be paid without an additional call to the student for payment. The date of payment of the fee shall be the date of deposit of funds in the university's bank account.
(3) The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs of the faculty conducting the educational process may establish installment payments for the repetition of classes or semester, and in justified cases establish partial or full fee exemption for the student in accordance with the Resolution.
Applicants for the confirmation of learning outcomes in relation to the application for admission to studies at Lodz Univeristy of Technology through the confirmation of learning outcomes pay, regardless of the level of education, field of study and study profile, the following fees:
- Fee for the formal verification of the application for the confirmation of learning outcomes - in the amount of 85 PLN,
- Fee for the substantive confirmation of learning outcomes for the subject of the study program indicated by the applicant, carried out by the Commission - in the amount of 400 PLN for each subject.
Scholarships of Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
There are a number of scholarships defined in bilateral agreements. They are financed either by the Polish or the foreign partner’s government, often with the aim to enhance exchange within a specific field of study. The amount of a scholarship depends on the type of study undertaken.
Scholarship programme for Polish Nationals named after gen. Anders - dedicated to foreign students of Polish origins: citizens of: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Maldova, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, countries of former Jugoslavia , Ukraine, Russia and countries of Middle Asia and Caucasus, Latin America and Africa. The programme allows young people of Polish origin and holders of Pole's Card to study on 1st and 2nd cycle studies in Polish public universities.
Scholarship programme named after Stefan Banach - the aim of the programme is supporting socio-economic development of the countries of the Eastern Partnership. The programme offers scholarships for free-of-charge studies in Polish public universities. The scholarships are offered to the citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
Poland My First Choice - programme aims to encourage young talented people from the countries listed below to pursue studies at the Polish university-type higher education institutions (HEIs). The Programme offers a scholarship during the statutory period of full-time second-cycle studies at academic HEIs (both public and non-public) supervised by the Minister of Education and Science. In addition, the Programme provides an exemption from tuition fees at public universities.
Contact: National Agency for Academic Exchange, Polna Street 40, 00-635 Warsaw, tel.: +48 22 390 35 00,, e-mail:
Take part in our contest for the best candidates and STUDY FOR FREE!*
In every academic year Lodz University of Technology offers 20 spots free of charge - two for each Faculty.
The contest is dedicated to the best candidates who can prove their exceptional achievements in science.
The contest is available for candidates applying for programmes both in Polish and in English.
Have you won a regional/national/international science olympiad?
Have you received certificates confirming your additional knowledge?
Have you been a speaker at a conference?
Take part in the contest!
While applying for admission to TUL, in addition to the documents required in the recruitment process, attach additional documents (eg diplomas, certificates, etc.), which certify your exceptional achievements.
To take part in the contest in the Request to the V-ce Rector tell us why you are the perfect choice for this chance.
ATTENTION: In the admissions for the winter semester of the academic year 2024/2025, you must additionally complete and submit the
* Studies free of tuition fee payment throughout the duration of studies.
Learn about other scholarships
The Centre for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw announces its annual competition for scholarships for candidates from Easters Europe, Balkans, Caucasus and Cantral Asia. The scholarships are the two-year supplementary master's programme in East European Studies of the University of Warsaw.
Enrollment date is announced on the website. -
The government-sponsored Konstanty Kalinowski Scholarship Program – under the patronage of the Polish Prime Minister – is the largest program in Europe that lends assistance to young Belarusians unable to study in Belarus due to their political views.
International Visegrad Fund- the programme supports the development of cooperation among the countries belonging to the Visegrad Group (V4) - Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland as well as the chosen partnership countries. The Fund offers scholarship programme for the period of Master's degree studies (up to 4 semesters) and studies/research traineeships for PhD students and postdocs (up to 2 semesters):
studies/traineeships at the universities in V4 countries for candidates from the partner countries: Western Balkans (Albania, Boznia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) or The Eastern Partnerships (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine),
studies/traineeships for candidates from V4 countries in other 4V countries or mentioned above partnership countries.
Scholarship of the Lodz University of Technology from its own Scholarship Fund - foreigners studying at Lodz University of Technology and coming from outside the European Union may receive, based on their grade point average from the previous semester, a scholarship to cover the costs of accommodation in the Student Dormitory of TUL. The competition is always announced at the beginning of each subsequent semester for a given semester.
More information: TUL Science Department, tel. 42 631 20 52