Failure to achieve a mark in an examination in a given additional subject does not exclude a candidate from the admission procedure, but is equivalent to a zero mark in that subject.
Course |
Qualified subjects |
Compulsory subjects | Additional subjects | Professional diploma, code and name of profession | |
aktuariat i analiza finansowa |
mathematics |
analityka chemiczna |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
architektura |
mathematics |
vocational diploma |
311210 architectural restoration technician 314202 landscape architecture technician |
automatyka i robotyka |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or informatics or vocational diploma |
311303 electrical technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311413 robotics technician 311504 mechanical technician 311909 automation technician 315317 aviation engineering technician 351203 computer technician 351406 programming technician |
automatyka i sterowanie robotów |
mathematics |
physics or informatics or vocational diploma |
311302 rail transport electrical technician 311303 electrician technician 311307 energy technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician 352203 telecommunications technician |
biotechnologia |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 314403 food technology technician |
budownictwo |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311104 surveying technician 311204 civil engineering technician 311205 civil water engineering technician 311216 road construction technician 311220 railway construction technician 311221 roofing technician 311942 shipbuilding technician 351203 computer engineering technician 351406 programming technician |
chemia |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
chemia budowlana |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
ekotechnologie i bioprocesy |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 314403 food technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
elektronika i telekomunikacja |
mathematics |
physics or informatics or vocational diploma |
311909 automation technician 311413 robotics technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 352203 telecommunications technician 351103 data communications technician 311303 electrical technician 311307 energy technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311302 rail transport electrical technician 351203 computer technician 351406 programming technician |
elektrotechnika |
mathematics |
physics or informatics or vocational diploma |
311302 rail transport electrical technician 311303 electrician technician 311307 energy technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician 352203 telecommunications technician |
energetyka |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311303 electrical technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311413 robotics technician 311504 mechanical technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician |
fizyka techniczna |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or informatics or vocational diploma |
311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 351203 computer technician 351406 programming technician |
informatyka |
mathematics |
physics or informatics or vocational diploma |
311302 rail transport electrical technician 311303 electrician technician 311307 energy technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician 352203 telecommunications technician |
informatyka stosowana |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or informatics or vocational diploma |
311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician |
informatyka w ochronie środowiska |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or geography or informatics or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
inżynieria bezpieczeństwa pracy |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311218 sanitary engineering technician 311307 energy technician 311913 gas engineering technician |
inżynieria biomedyczna |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or informatics or vocational diploma |
311302 rail transport electrical technician 311303 electrician technician 311307 energy technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician 352203 telecommunications technician |
inżynieria chemiczna i biochemiczna |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician |
inżynieria materiałowa |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311220 railway construction technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311413 robotics technician 311504 mechanical engineering technician 311513 automotive technician 311516 welding technician 311518 railway vehicle technician 311705 foundry technician 311708 metallurgical technician 311909 automation technician 311927 road transport technician 311928 rail transport technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 315105 marine engineering technician 315317 aviation engineering technician |
inżynieria ochrony środowiska |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or geography or vocational diploma |
311208 environmental engineering technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 325511 environmental protection and land reclamation technician |
inżynieria procesów przemysłowych (Industrial Process Engineering) |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or geography or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311208 environmental engineering and drainage technician 311218 sanitary engineering technician 311603 chemical technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
inżynieria środowiska w budownictwie |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311104 surveying technician 311204 construction technician 311208 environmental engineering technician 311218 sanitary engineering technician 311913 gas engineering technician 311929 refrigeration and air conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 325511 environmental protection and land reclamation technician |
inżynieria wzornictwa przemysłowego |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311219 building completion technician 311601 paper-making technician 311912 tanning technician 311916 shoemaking technician 311922 wood technology technician 311926 leather products technology technician 311931 decorative textile technician 311932 textile technician 311935 printing process technician 311936 bookbinding processes technician 311943 graphics and digital printing technician 311946 stylist technician 311941 fashion industry technician 333907 advertising technician 343105 photography and multimedia technician |
logistyka |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma |
311927 road transport technician 311928 rail transport technician 331403 economic technician 333106 port operation technician 333107 logistics technician 333108 freight forwarding technician 522305 commercial and terminal technician |
marketing w przemyśle |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma |
331403 economic technician 333907 advertising technician 522305 commercial technician |
matematyka stosowana |
mathematics |
mechanika i budowa maszyn |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311413 robotics technician 311504 mechanical technician 311513 automotive technician 311515 agricultural mechanization and agrotronics technician 311516 welding technician 311518 railway vehicle technician 311705 foundry technician 311708 metallurgical industry technician 311909 automation technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 311942 shipbuilding technician 315105 marine engineering technician 315317 aviation engineering technician |
mechatronika |
mathematics |
physics or informatics or vocational diploma |
311302 rail transport electrical technician 311303 electrician technician 311307 energy technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician 352203 telecommunications technician |
menedżer żywności i żywienia |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma |
314403 food technology technician 343404 food and food service technician |
nanotechnologia |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
papiernictwo i poligrafia |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or informatics or geography or biology or vocational diploma |
311601 paper-making technician 311603 chemical technology technician 311922 wood technology technician 311935 printing process technician (flexography and offset) 311936 bookbinding process technician 311943 graphic arts and digital printing technician 314301 forestry technician 333907 advertising technician 343105 photography and multimedia technician |
planowanie przestrzenne |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or geography or vocational diploma |
311104 surveying technician 311204 construction technician 311216 road construction technician 314202 landscape architecture technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
systemy sterowania inteligentnymi budynkami |
mathematics |
physics or informatics or vocational diploma |
311302 rail transport electrical technician 311303 electrician technician 311307 energy technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician 352203 telecommunications technician |
technologia chemiczna |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 314403 food technology technician 343404 food and food service technician |
tekstronika (Textronics) |
mathematics |
informatics or vocational diploma |
311408 electronics technician 311931 decorative textile techniques 311932 textile technician 311941 fashion industry technician 351103 ICT technician 351203 IT technician 352203 telecommunications technician automation and robotics technician (decision of the Ministry of National Education of July 9, 2019) |
transport |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311220 railway construction technician 311302 rail transport electrical technician 311407 railway traffic control engineering technician 311513 automotive technician 311518 railway vehicle technician 311927 road transport technician 311928 rail transport technician 311940 crane equipment technician 311942 shipbuilding technician 315105 marine engineering technician 315317 aviation engineering technician 333107 logistics technician 333108 freight forwarding technician |
włókiennictwo i przemysł mody |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311912 tanning technician 311916 shoemaker technician 311926 leather goods technology technician 311931 decorative textile technician 311932 textile technician 311941 fashion industry technician 311946 styling technician |
wzornictwo |
mathematics |
zarządzanie |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma |
331403 economic technician 333107 logistics technician 522305 trade technician |
zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji |
mathematics |
physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma |
331403 economic technician 333107 logistics technician 522305 trade technician |
Failure to achieve a mark in an examination in a given additional subject does not exclude a candidate from the admission procedure, but is equivalent to a zero mark in that subject.
Course |
Qualified subjects |
Compulsory subjects | Additional subjects | Professional diploma, code and name of profession | |
Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materials |
mathematics |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 325511 environmental protection technician |
Architecture (English) | mathematics English language* |
second foreign language, drawing skills exam, vocational diploma |
311210 architectural restoration technician 314202 landscape architecture technician |
Biomedical Engineering and Technologies | mathematics English language* |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or biology or informatics or vocational diploma |
311909 automation technician 311413 robotics technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 352203 telecommunications technician 351103 data communications technician 311303 electrical technician 311307 energy technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311302 rail transport electrical technician 351203 computer technician 351406 programming technician |
Business, Society and Technology (English) | mathematics English language* |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma |
331403 economic technician 333107 logistics technician 522305 commercial engineering technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311413 robotics technician 311504 mechanical engineering technician 311513 automotive technician 311909 automation technician |
Business, Society and Technology (English/French) | mathematics English* or French language* |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma | 331403 economic technician 333107 logistics technician 522305 commercial engineering technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311413 robotics technician 311504 mechanical engineering technician 311513 automotive technician 311909 automation technician |
Business Studies | mathematics English language* |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma | 331403 economic technician 333107 logistics technician 522305 trade technician |
Computer Science | mathematics English language* * |
second foreign language, physics or informatics or vocational diploma | 311302 rail transport electrical technician 311303 electrician technician 311307 energy technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician 352203 telecommunications technician |
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering | mathematics English language* * |
second foreign language, physics or informatics or vocational diploma | 311302 rail transport electrical technician 311303 electrician technician 311307 energy technician 311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311412 broadband electronic communications technician 311413 robotics technician 311909 automation technician 311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician 311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 351103 data communications technician 351203 information technology technician 351406 programming technician 352203 telecommunications technician |
Industrial Biotechnology | mathematics English language* |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma |
311103 analytical technician 311603 chemical technology technician 314403 food technology technician |
Information Technology | mathematics English language* * |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or informatics |
Mathematical Methods in Data Analysis | mathematics English language* * |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or informatics |
Mechanical Engineering | mathematics English language* * |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311408 electronics technician 311410 mechatronics technician 311413 robotics technician 311504 mechanical technician 311513 automotive technician 311515 agricultural mechanics technician 311516 welding technician 311518 railway vehicle technician 311705 foundry technician 311708 metallurgical industry technician 311909 automation technician 311940 lifting equipment technician 311942 shipbuilding technician 315105 shipbuilding technician 315317 aviation and agrotronics technician |
Modelling and Data Science | mathematics English language* * |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or informatics or vocational diploma |
351203 computer technician 351406 programming technician |
Textile and Fashion Industry | mathematics English language* * |
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or vocational diploma |
311912 tanning technician 311916 shoemaker technician 311926 leather products technician 311931 decorative textile technician 311932 textile technician 311941 fashion industry technician 311946 styling technician |
*it is required to pass a foreign language of instruction for a given field of study at the secondary school leaving examination at the advanced level with a minimum score of 60% or 30% at the bilingual level
Studies in Polish | Study in a foreign language |
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
The conversion of points from the matura exam (the so-called New Baccalaureate) taken in the Polish educational system will be carried out on the basis of the number of points converted according to the following rules:
For courses taught in Polish (other than architecture, design and industrial design engineering):
LP = 6 * k * LPmathematics + 2 * kforeign language * LPforeign language + 4 * k * LPadditional
LP – number of points in the qualification procedure
LPmathematics – Number of points (%) obtained in mathematics
LPforeign language – number of points (%) obtained in a foreign language
LPadditional – number of points (%) obtained in one additional subject taken into account for the particular programme
k = 0,5 for the basic level
k =1 for the advanced level
kforeign language = 0,5 for the basic level
kforeign language = 1 for the advanced level
kforeign language = 1,5 for the bilingual level
In the event that a candidate's secondary school certificate shows more than one result for a given examination, the result giving the candidate the highest number of points will be used for qualification.
A failing grade in an examination in an additional subject does not exclude a candidate from the admission procedure, but is equivalent to a zero mark in that subject.
For architecture, design and industrial design engineering programmes taught in Polish:
LP = 6 * k * LPmathematics + 2 * kforeign_language * LPforeign_language + 4 * k * LPadditional
+ LPdrawing skills exam
LP – number of points in the qualification procedure
LPmathematics – number of points (%) obtained in mathematics
LPforeign_language – number of points (%) obtained in a foreign language
LPadditional – number of points (%) obtained in one additional subject which is required for particulat programme
LPdrawing_skills exam – number of points obtained in the drawing skills exam
k = 0,5 for the basic level
k =1 for the advanced level
kforeign_language = 0,5 for the basic level
kjęzyk_obcy = 1 for the advanced level
kjęzyk_obcy = 1,5 for the bilingual level
In case that a candidate's secondary school certificate shows more than one result for a given examination, the result giving the candidate the highest number of points will be used for qualification.
In case of not having a grade in an examination from an additional subject does not exclude a candidate from the admission procedure, but is equivalent to a zero mark in that subject.
For programmes conducted in English or French and English:
LP = 6 * k * LPmathematics + 2 * kforeign_language * LPforeign_language + 4 * k * LPadditional
+ 2 * kforeign language 2 * LPforeign language 2 + + LPdrawing skills exam
LP – number of points in the qualification procedure
LPmatematyka – number of points (%) obtained in mathematics
LPforeign_language – number of points (%) obtained in the foreign language of instruction for the course (advanced or bilingual level)
LPadditional – number of points (%) obtained in one additional subject required for particular programme
LPforeign_language – number of points (%) obtained in a foreign language other than LPforeign_language
LPdrawing skills exam_ – number of points obtained in the drawing skills exam in the case of passing the test for architecture; 0 for other courses
k = 0,5 for the basic level
k =1 for the advanced level
kforeign_language = 1 for the advanced level
kforeign_language = 1,5 for the bilingual level
kforeign_language 2 = 0,5 for the basic level
kforeign_language 2 = 1 for the advanced level
kforeign_language 2 = 1,5 for the bilingual level
In case that a candidate's secondary school certificate shows more than one result for a given examination, the result giving the candidate the highest number of points will be used for qualification.
In case of not having a grade in an examination in an additional subject or in a second foreign language does not exclude a candidate from the admission procedure, but is equivalent to zero points in that subject.
In the case of candidates holding a vocational diploma or a diploma confirming a vocational qualification in a profession taught at technical level, as referred to in the regulations on the educational system, they are included in the LPadditional odpowiednio we wzorach (1), (2) lub (3) ze współczynnikiem k dla poziomu rozszerzonego.
For candidates with a vocational qualification diploma, the number of points LPadditional in the qualification procedure is determined by the formula:
LPadditional = |
LPadditional – the number of credits from one additional subject required of particular programme of study as specified in Annex 1 to this resolution;
Wpn – number of points (%) obtained in the written part of the vocational examination for the given profession for qualification n;
Wprn – number of points (%) obtained in the practical part of the vocational examination for the given profession for qualification n;
n – the number of qualifications assigned to the profession.
Studies in Polish | Study in a foreign language |
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
The qualification of candidates who hold a secondary school certificate or an equivalent document obtained outside the Polish educational system entitling them to apply for admission to first-cycle studies issued abroad will be carried out on the basis of grades converted into LPsubject points according to the formula (8) taking into account weights, subjects and levels:
LPsubject = 30 + 70 * [(Osubject - Omin) / (Omax - Omin)]
LPsubject – the number of points after conversion from the qualifying subject inserted in formula (1), (2) or (3) (formula available in the tab "Polish matura") as appropriate;
Osubject – the grade in the relevant subject on the secondary school leaving certificate or equivalent document provided it is greater than or equal to Omin;
Omin – the lowest pass mark on the scale in force at the school or institution which issued the certificate;
Omax – the highest pass mark on the scale in force at the school or institution which issued the certificate;
The indicators k, kforeign language, kforeign_language2 in formulae (1), (2) or (3) (formula available in the tab "Polish matura") are considered individually depending on the educational system.
Applicants with a certificate equivalent to a secondary school leaving certificate obtained outside the Polish educational system applying for admission to degree programmes in English or in English and French, whose knowledge of the said language of instruction has been confirmed by graduation from a school or unit in which that language was the language of instruction, and who did not take the secondary school leaving examination in that language, shall be awarded the maximum number of points for that language at extended level.
Applicants with a certificate equivalent to a secondary school leaving certificate obtained outside the Polish educational system applying for admission to degree programmes in English or in English and French, whose knowledge of the aforementioned language of instruction has been confirmed by a specific language certificate with a minimum B2 level in accordance with the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and who have not taken the secondary school leaving examination in that language, shall be awarded the maximum number of points for that language at extended level.
In special cases, the method of calculating LP points for individual subjects is determined by the University Recruitment Committee.
Studies in Polish | Study in a foreign language |
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
The qualification of candidates applying for admission to first-cycle studies on the basis of the International Baccalaureate (IB), which entitles them to apply for admission to higher education pursuant to Art. 93 para. 2 of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the educational system (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2230) issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva will be conducted on the basis of the results obtained in the IB Baccalaureate examination in the subjects required for a given field of study converted into LPsubject points according to the formula taking into account weights, subjects and levels:
LPsubject = 50 + 50 * [(Osubject - Omin) / (Omax - Omin)]
LPsubject – the number of points after conversion from the qualifying subject inserted in formula (1), (2) or (3) as appropriate;
Osubject – the grade obtained by the candidate in a given subject provided it is greater than or equal to Omin;
Omin – the lowest pass mark on the grade scale, i.e. a mark of 2;
Omax – the highest pass mark on the rating scale, i.e. a mark of 7;
k = 1 for the basic level in formulae (1), (2) or (3);
k = 1,5 for the advanced level HL in formulae (1), (2) or (3).
Studies in Polish | Study in a foreign language |
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
The qualification of candidates applying for admission to first-cycle studies on the basis of the European Baccalaureate (EB), which entitles them to apply for admission to higher education pursuant to Article 93(2) of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the educational system (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022, item. 2230) issued by the European Schools in accordance with the Convention on the Statute of the European Schools drawn up in Luxembourg on 21 June 1994 (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 3, item 10) will be conducted on the basis of the results obtained at the EB baccalaureate examination in the subjects required for a given field of study converted into LPsubject points according to the formula (6) taking into account weights, subjects and levels:
LPsubject = 50 + 50 * [(Osubject - Omin) / (Omax - Omin)]
LPsubject – the number of points after conversion from the qualifying subject inserted in formula (1), (2) or (3) as appropriate;
Osubject – the grade obtained by the candidate in a given subject provided it is greater than or equal to Omin;
Omin – the lowest pass mark on a given grading scale, i.e.; before 2021 grade 5, after 2021 grade 4;
Omax – the highest pass mark on the rating scale, i.e. a mark of 10;
k = 1 for mathematics with a number of hours per week equal to 3 in formulae (1), (2) or (3);
k = 1.5 for mathematics with a number of hours per week equal to 5 or 5+3 in formulae (1), (2) or (3);
kforeign language_ kforeign language 2 = 0.5 for a foreign language for level L1, L4 or L5 in formulae (1), (2) or (3);
kforeign language, kforeign language2 = 1 for a foreign language for Advanced level L1 (L1+3), L2 or L3 in formulae (1), (2) or (3);
kforeign language, kforeign language2 = 1.5 for a foreign language for Advanced L2 level (L3+3) in formula (1), (2) or (3);
k = 0.5 for other subjects with a number of hours per week equal to 2 in formulae (1), (2) or (3);
k = 1 for other subjects with a number of hours per week equal to 4 in formulae (1), (2) or (3).
Studies in Polish | Study in a foreign language |
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
Compulsory subjects:
Additional subjects:
Candidates applying for admission to first-cycle studies on the basis of a matriculation examination (the so-called "old baccalaureate") taken in the Polish educational system will be qualified on the basis of grades converted into LPsubject points according to the formula (7) taking into account weights, subjects and levels:
LPsubject = 30 + 70 * [(Osubject - Omin) / (Omax - Omin)]
LPsubject – the number of points after conversion from the qualified subject (Annex 1) inserted in formula (1), (2) or (3) as appropriate;
Osubject – the grade in the relevant subject on the secondary school leaving certificate, provided it is greater than or equal to Omin;
Omin – the lowest pass mark on the scale in force at the school or institution which issued the certificate;
Omax – the highest pass mark on the scale in force at the school or institution which issued the certificate;
k = 0.5 for the marks from the secondary school leaving certificate or the secondary school leaving certificate in models (1), (2) or (3);
k = 1 for the secondary school examination grades in formulae (1), (2) or (3).
1. A person may be admitted to second-cycle programmes if he or she holds a diploma of graduation issued:
1) in the Republic of Poland,
2) abroad and recognised in the Republic of Poland in accordance with Articles 326 and 327 of the Act of 20 July 2018. - Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742)
and meets the admission criteria.
2. A candidate may be admitted to only one course of study, but is entitled to declare up to four courses for which a separate qualification will be conducted.
3. The declared fields of study cannot include the field of study in which the applicant is currently studying or has graduated from the same faculty of Łódź University of Technology within the same degree programme.
4. The basis for qualification for all second-cycle study programmes at the Technical University of Łódź is the number of points obtained in the qualification procedure, on the basis of which ranking lists of candidates are drawn up.
5. Places vacated by candidates who did not provide the required set of documents or who resigned from undertaking studies are filled by candidates from reserve lists.
Candidates' qualification for full-time and part-time second-cycle studies is based on the sum of points calculated according to the following rule:
For courses without entrance examinations:
LP = Odiploma / Omax* 100 (9)
LP – umber of points in the admission procedure;
Odiploma – the grade entered in the diploma of completion of first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies, uniform master's studies or equivalent;
Omax – the maximum grade applicable at the higher education institution which issued the diploma.
For courses with an entrance examination where verification of artistic aptitude is mandatory:
LP = Odiploma / Omax * 100 + R1 (10)
LP – number of points in the admission procedure;
Odiploma – the grade entered in the diploma of completion of first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies, uniform master's studies or equivalent;
Omax – the maximum grade applicable at the higher education institution which awarded the diploma;
R1 – the grade from the entrance examination on a scale from 0 to 40.
For courses with an entrance examination conducted in English:
LP = Odiploma / Omax * 100 + R2 (11)
LP – number of points in the admission procedure;
Odiploma – grade entered in the diploma of completion of first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies, uniform master's studies or equivalent;
Omax – the maximum grade applicable at the higher education institution which awarded diploma
R2 – the grade from the entrance examination on a scale from 0 to 40.
For courses conducted in English with an entrance examination where verification of artistic skills is mandatory:
LP = Odiploma / Omax * 100 + R3 (12)
LP – number of points in the admission procedure;
Odiploma – the grade entered in the diploma of completion of first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies, unified master's studies or equivalent;
Omax – the maximum grade applicable at the higher education institution which awarded the diploma;
R3 – the grade from the entrance examination on a scale from 0 to 50.
In the absence of a diploma grade, the grade from the diploma examination for first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies, uniform master's studies or equivalent is taken into account as Odiploma in formulas (9), (10), (11), (12).
Only those candidates who have obtained a score greater than or equal to the minimum value for a given group of entrance examinations will be admitted to further admission proceedings.
In special cases, the method of calculating LP points is determined by the University Recruitment Committee.
The Rector's Plenipotentiary for Recruitment, in agreement with the Deans of the faculties responsible for the faculties in which the entrance examination is to be conducted, appoints Examination Commissions which prepare the examination topics in accordance with the rules and scope defined by the head of the organisational unit organising education in the field of study and which assess the candidates during the examination.
The Examination Board for a particular programme consists of:
1) a member of the Board of Studies for a particular programme;
2) an academic teacher teaching in a particular field of study with a minimum of doctoral degree;
3) a teacher of the language in which the examination will be conducted, in the case of programmes taught in English or English and French.
One Examination Board is appointed for the entrance examination for a given field of study.
The composition of the Examination Boards is not public until the start of the entrance examinations.
The Dean of the Faculty, the members of the Examination Board are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information acquired about the composition of the Examination Board.
The maximum number of points from the entrance examination for subjects taught in Polish which do not require a drawing skills exam is 60 points. A prerequisite for qualification is a minimum of 31 points.
The result of the entrance examination for the faculties conducted in Polish for which the verification of artistic skills is not obligatory consists of marks in the following criteria:
1) presentation of achievements in the context of the studied major (0-20 points);
2) Discussion and argumentation skills (0-20 points);
3) substantive assessment of the candidate's knowledge and skills in the area of the major (0-20 points).
The maximum number of points from the entrance examination for courses taught in English is 80 points. In order to qualify, a minimum of 41 points must be obtained from the entrance examination, including at least 12 points in linguistic competence.
The result of the entrance examination for courses taught in English consists of marks in the following criteria:
1) presentation of achievements in the context of the course studied (0-20 points);
2) Discussion and argumentation skills (0-20 points);
3) Substantive assessment of the candidate's knowledge and skills in the area of the major (0-20 points);
4) Assessment of linguistic competence (0-20 points).
The maximum number of points from the entrance examination for courses taught in Polish for which the verification of artistic aptitude is mandatory is 80 points. In order to qualify, a minimum of 41 points must be obtained in the entrance examination, including at least 12 points from the portfolio.
The result of the entrance examination for fields of study conducted in Polish for which the verification of artistic skills is mandatory consists of marks in the following criteria:
1) presentation of achievements in the context of the studied major (0-20 points);
2) Discussion and argumentation skills (0-20 points);
3. Content-related assessment of the candidate's knowledge and skills in the area of the major (0-20 points);
4) Portfolio assessment (0-20 points).
The maximum number of points from the entrance examination for courses taught in English for which verification of artistic skills is mandatory is 100 points. In order to qualify, a minimum of 51 points must be obtained from the entrance examination, including at least 12 points for language competence and at least 12 points for the portfolio.
The result of the entrance examination for fields of study conducted in Polish for which the verification of artistic skills is mandatory consists of marks in the following criteria:
1) presentation of achievements in the context of the studied major (0-20 points);
2) Discussion and argumentation skills (0-20 points);
3. substantive assessment of the candidate's knowledge and skills in the field of study (0-20 points);
4. Assessment of linguistic competence (0-20 points);
5) Evaluation of the portfolio (0-20 points).
The tasks of the Examination Board are:
1) organising the entrance examination;
2) preparing the rooms;
3) preparation of examination topics
4) conducting the entrance examination;
5) assessing the candidate's answers during the entrance examination;
6) Entering the scores obtained into the system and justifying them;
7) drawing up individual protocols.
Only members of the Examination Board and the candidate may be present in the room concerned during the entrance examination.
(3) In justified cases, it is possible for another person to be present, not mentioned in paragraph 2.
4 In justified cases, it is possible to conduct the entrance examination online.
§ 11
(1) After the assessment, the Examination Board:
1) enters the scores obtained into the system together with the reasons for them;
2) draw up individual protocols.
(2) the minutes, once printed and signed by the Examination Board, are forwarded to the Recruitment Department.
(3) The individual records are attached to the candidates' documents.
Faculty | Course | Language | Full-time/Part-time |
Architecture |
holding a bachelor of science in architecture |
WM | automatyka i robotyka |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
WEEIA | automatyka i sterowanie robotów |
holding a bachelor's, bachelor of science, master's or an equivalent in a field in which there is a discipline of automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technology and/or technical IT and telecommunications |
WBINOŻ | biogospodarka zrównoważona |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent in the following disciplines: forest sciences, agriculture and horticulture, food and nutrition technology, veterinary science, zootechnics and fisheries, biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials engineering and environmental engineering, mining and energy sciences |
WBINOŻ | biotechnologia |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent in the following disciplines: forest sciences, agriculture and horticulture, food and nutrition technology, veterinary science, zootechnics and fisheries, biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials engineering and environmental engineering, mining and energy sciences |
WBAIŚ | budownictwo |
holding a bachelor of science in civil engineering |
WCH | chemia |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science, a master's or equivalent or a bachelor's, a master's degree in disciplines such as biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials engineering, environmental engineering, mining and energy, pharmaceutical sciences, medical sciences, health sciences, food and nutrition technology, biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences |
WCH | chemia budowlana |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
WCH | chemia w kryminalistyce |
holding a bachelor's, a bachelor of science, a master's, a master of science degree or the equivalent |
Computer Science and Information Technology |
holding a bachelor's, a bachelor’s of science, a master of science or the equivalent in engineering sciences or natural sciences |
WEEIA | elektronika i telekomunikacja - Applied Electronics |
having a bachelor's, a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent degree in a field in which there is a discipline of automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technology and/or technical IT and telecommunications |
WEEIA | elektrotechnika |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
Energy Systems in the Built Environment | holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent | |
WFTIMS | fizyka techniczna |
holding a bachelor of science, a master of science or the equivalent in technical fields, or having at least a bachelor's degree in astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics, applied mathematics |
Future Mobility | holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent | |
Human-Computer Interaction |
holding a bachelor's, a bachelor of science, a master's, a master’s of science degree or the equivalent |
Industrial Biotechnology |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent in a field in which there are the following disciplines: forest sciences, agriculture and horticulture, food and nutrition technology, veterinary science, zootechnics and fisheries, biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials engineering and environmental engineering, mining and energy sciences |
WEEIA | informatyka |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science degree or equivalent in a field in which there are the following disciplines: technical informatics and telecommunications; computer science; automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technology; biomedical engineering; mathematics; physical sciences; economics and finance; management and quality sciences or related disciplines. |
WFTIMS | informatyka stosowana |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science degree or equivalent in a field in which there are the following disciplines: technical informatics and telecommunications; computer science; automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technology; biomedical engineering; mathematics; physical sciences; economics and finance; management and quality sciences or related disciplines. |
WEEIA | inżynieria biomedyczna |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
inżynieria chemiczna i biochemiczna specjalności:
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
WM | inżynieria materiałowa |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
WBAIŚ | inżynieria środowiska w budownictwie |
holding a bachelor of science in the following fields: environmental engineering, chemical and process engineering, oil and gas engineering, water engineering and management, construction, power engineering, spatial management, mechanics and machine construction, environmental protection, environmental technologies, oil and gas drilling, networks and installations in environmental engineering, environmental engineering in construction, intelligent building control systems15 |
Master in Mechanical Engineering | holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent | |
Master of Business Studies | holding a bachelor, bachelor of science, master or master of science or equivalent | |
matematyka stosowana | holding at least a bachelor of science degree or equivalent in a technical field or at least a bachelor's degree in mathematics, applied mathematics, economics, management, computer science, physics, chemistry, logistics, data analysis | |
WEEIA | mechatronika |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
WCH | nanotechnologia |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
WCH | nanotechnologia (Nanotechnology) |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
papiernictwo i poligrafia | holding a bachelor's, a bachelor of science, a master's, a master's of science degree or the equivalent | |
WBAIŚ | planowanie przestrzenne |
holding a bachelor of science degree in spatial management, urban planning, architecture, civil engineering, environmental engineering, networks and installations in environmental engineering15 |
Smart Manufacturing | holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent | |
WEEIA | sztuczna inteligencja i uczenie maszynowe |
holding a bachelor's, bachelor of science, master's, master of science degree or equivalent in fields being part of engineering sciences or sciences and natural sciences |
WCH | technologia chemiczna |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
WBINOŻ | technologia kosmetyków |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent in a field in which there are the following disciplines: forest sciences, agriculture and horticulture, food and nutrition technology, veterinary science, zootechnics and fisheries, biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials engineering and environmental engineering, mining and energy sciences |
WBINOŻ | technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent in a field in which there are the following disciplines: forest sciences, agriculture and horticulture, food and nutrition technology, veterinary science, zootechnics and fisheries, biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials engineering and environmental engineering, mining and energy sciences |
WCH | technologie nowoczesnych materiałów funkcjonalnych |
holding a bachelor of science, master of science or equivalent |
WTMIWT | włókiennictwo |
bachelor's, a bachelor of science, a master's, a master of science degree or the equivalent |
WTMIWT | włókiennictwo (Textile Engineering) |
bachelor's, a bachelor of science, a master's, a master of science degree or the equivalent |
WTMIWT | wzornictwo |
at least a bachelor's degree in design or other fine arts studies or at least a bachelor of science in the fields of: textiles and fashion industry, Advanced Design and Technology, interior design, graphic design |
WTMIWT | wzornictwo (Design) |
at least a bachelor's degree in design or other fine arts studies or at least a bachelor of science in the fields of: textiles and fashion industry, Advanced Design and Technology, interior design, graphic design |
WOIZ | zarządzanie |
bachelor's, a bachelor of science, a master's, a master of science degree or the equivalent |
WOIZ | zarządzanie produkcją | holding a bachelor of science, a master of science degree or the equivalent |
ICC - International Cooperatin Center
WBAIŚ - Faculty of Civil engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering
WBINOŻ - Faculty of Biotechnology and food Sciences
WCH - Faculty of Chemistry
WEEIA - Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering
WFTIMS - Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics
WIPOŚ - Faculty of Process and Environment Engineering
WM - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
WTMIWT - Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design
WOIZ - Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania
In case that the limit of places set by the Senate is not filled, the University may decide not to open a degree programme in a particular field of study.
A candidate qualified for admission to a non-start-up course will be able to take up studies in another course, provided by the Lodz University of Technology. The criterion for admission to the proposed course will be the number of points obtained by the candidate.
Field of study | Faculty | Information about interviews |
Computer Science and Information Technology | CKM | The interview will be held within the deadlines. |
Master of Business Study | CKM | The interview will be held within the deadlines. |
Nanotechnology | WCH | The interview will be held within the deadlines. |
Smart Manufacturing | CKM | The interview will be held within the deadlines. |
Candidates for admission to full-time and part-time first- and second-cycle degree programmes under the procedure of confirmation of learning outcomes are admitted after the qualification procedure based on the decision on the recognition of learning outcomes, in accordance with the Resolution No. 18/2021 of the Senate of the Lodz University of Technology of 26 May 2021 on the definition of the procedure for the confirmation of learning outcomes at the Lodz University of Technology
The list of programmes for which candidates may apply for admission to studies by way of confirmation of learning outcomes is set out in Article 71 of the Act of 20 July 2018. - Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742).
The candidate is obliged to comply with the deadlines, given in the schedule of the qualification procedure announced on the website:
A candidate who, as a result of submitting to the procedure for the confirmation of learning outcomes, has received a positive decision on the recognition of learning outcomes and has obtained the required number of ECTS points, applies for admission to study at the Lodz University of Technology under the procedure for the confirmation of learning outcomes.
Admission to a degree programme by procedure of confirmation of learning outcomes can be applied for within one year of the decision on the recognition of learning outcomes and only in the field of study, level of study and profile to which the decision applies.
Persons who, as a result of the confirmation of learning outcomes, have obtained less than the number of ECTS credits may apply for admission under the general admission rules for the first year of study.
An application for admission to study at the Lodz University of Technology under the procedure of confirmation of learning outcomes, together with the required documents, is submitted by the candidate within the deadlines specified in the qualification procedure schedule.
The University's Recruitment Committee creates a ranking list of candidates entitled to apply for admission to a degree programme by way of confirmation of learning outcomes who have achieved the best results in the process of confirmation of learning outcomes.
The result obtained in the process of confirmation of learning outcomes is the value of the indicator, which is the sum of the product of the number of ECTS credits and the grades obtained from the confirmation of learning outcomes for the individual subjects.
Admission to studies by procedure of confirmation of learning outcomes is made within the framework of a ranking list, until the limit of places is reached.