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Two students sitting at a table in a lecture room.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering W1
International Faculty of Engineering (IFE)

Business, Society and Technology (ang.)

Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



We are not currently recruiting for this field of study

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

english (min 50% from advanced level)

Additional subjects

information technology
information technology
professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311410 technik mechatronik
311413 technik robotyk
311504 technik mechanik
311513 technik pojazdów samochodowych
311909 technik automatyk
331403 technik ekonomista
333107 technik logistyk
522305 technik handlowiec
technik automatyki i robotyki (decyzja MEN z 09.07.2019)

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

The Business, Society and Technology study program aims to train professional engineers prepared to operate in the age of the digital economy. Expanded knowledge and skills in the areas of management and quality sciences and technical sciences allow students to acquire key capabilities such as evaluating enterprise processes for technological advancement, designing methods and tools for enterprise management, or using appropriate software for integrated process management. The study program is implemented based on the latest educational concepts, including. Problem Based Learning, Design Thinking and Flipped Education. With a combination of subjects from the technical sciences, humanities and sciences, students are fully prepared to enter the workforce. Management, economics or subjects focusing on today's Industry 4.0, allow them to learn about the most important issues in the industry, while classes in engineering, automation and robot control help them design modernized production areas. As part of the implementation of the strategy outlined by the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), the study program includes all the elements of a flexible education model that will enable participation in the micro-module offerings offered by the consortium. They allow the acquisition of specific knowledge, selected individually for the student. The opportunity to participate in courses, modules and other educational resources from ECIU's offerings, in addition to the mandatory curriculum, provides a personalized educational experience.  

The program is available on the website

Graduate opinions

When I chose my field of study, it was important for me to get a complex education. Study at Lodz University of Technology is such a combination of "soft skills" in management with access to "hard" technical knowledge in the form of the resources of one of the best and oldest technical universities in Poland.

Mężczyzna siedzi na tle loga Pietrucha.
Michał Harendarz, Export Manager w Grupie Pietrucha

Engineering studies in Management combine technical and management knowledge, and this is the best way to a leadership position in a global manufacturing company. I think this field of study has a brilliant future.

Mężczyzna zdjęcie portretowe.
Bartłomiej Pietrzak, koordynator planowania w firmie Truvant

Competencies you will gain

Digital economy
Industry 4.0

About you

Business, Society and Technology (English) is a field of study for those who want to pursue many areas during their studies and make the most of the opportunities. If you too want to gain new experiences and are ambitious for the future, this is definitely the place for you! During your studies, you will gain the knowledge and skills required for work in various sectors of the economy, with an emphasis on the specifics of management in an international environment, creating leaders and imparting education in line with the expectations of the global economic environment. You will learn the ins and outs of marketing and relationship building in the business community, as well as ways to build civic awareness. You will learn how to manage project work with innovative methods, including. Problem Based Learning. You will also gain skills in engineering, economics and mechanics. With classes taught in a foreign language, you will achieve proficiency to start a career in international institutions. Additional language classes that include specialized vocabulary will help you. Your knowledge will be assessed not only through tests, but especially through the semester projects you complete during your studies.  


Job perspectives

  • operational, analytical and specialist positions at different levels of management, 
  • work in specialized and managerial positions related to production management, logistics, quality, health and safety, among others, 
  • work in manufacturing and production and trade enterprises in various industries, as well as in logistics centers, consulting and auditing companies.