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Qualifying subjects

Qualifying Subjects

Failure to achieve a mark in an examination in a given additional subject does not exclude a candidate from the admission procedure, but is equivalent to a zero mark in that subject.


List of recognised vocational diplomas, code and name of the profession

Compulsory subjects Additional subjects Professional diploma, code and name of profession

aktuariat i analiza finansowa 
(Actuarial and financial analysis)

foreign language



analityka chemiczna
(Chemical Analytics)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
325511 environmental protection technician


foreign language drawing skills exam

vocational diploma

311210 architectural restoration technician  
314202 landscape architecture technician

automatyka i robotyka 
(Automatic Control and Robotics)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or informatics or vocational diploma

311303 electrical technician  
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311504 mechanical technician  
311909 automation technician  
315317 aviation engineering technician  
351203 computer technician  
351406 programming technician

automatyka i sterowanie robotów
(Automation and Robot Control)

foreign language

physics or informatics or vocational diploma

311302 rail transport electrical technician  
311303 electrician technician  
311307 energy technician  
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311412 broadband electronic communications technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311909 automation technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
311940 lifting equipment technician  
351103 data communications technician  
351203 information technology technician  
351406 programming technician  
352203 telecommunications technician


foreign language

physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
314403 food technology technician

(Buildings Construction)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311104 surveying technician  
311204 civil engineering technician  
311205 civil water engineering technician  
311216 road construction technician  
311220 railway construction technician  
311221 roofing technician 
311942 shipbuilding technician  
351203 computer engineering technician  
351406 programming technician


foreign language 

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
325511 environmental protection technician

chemia budowlana
(Chemistry of Building Materials)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
325511 environmental protection technician

ekotechnologie i bioprocesy 
(Ecotechnologies and Bioprocesses)

foreign language 

physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
314403 food technology technician  
325511 environmental protection technician

elektronika i telekomunikacja
(Electronics and Telecommunications)

foreign language 

physics or informatics or vocational diploma

311909 automation technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311412 broadband electronic communications technician  
352203 telecommunications technician  
351103 data communications technician  
311303 electrical technician  
311307 energy technician 
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
311940 lifting equipment technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician  
311302 rail transport electrical technician    
351203 computer technician  
351406 programming technician

(Electrical Engineering)

foreign language

physics or informatics or vocational diploma

311302 rail transport electrical technician  
311303 electrician technician  
311307 energy technician 
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311412 broadband electronic communications technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311909 automation technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
311940 lifting equipment technician  
351103 data communications technician  
351203 information technology technician  
351406 programming technician  
352203 telecommunications technician


foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311303 electrical technician  
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311504 mechanical technician  
311909 automation technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician

fizyka techniczna
(Technical Physics)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or biology or informatics or vocational diploma

311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
351203 computer technician  
351406 programming technician


foreign language

physics or informatics or vocational diploma

311302 rail transport electrical technician  
311303 electrician technician  
311307 energy technician 
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311412 broadband electronic communications technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311909 automation technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
311940 lifting equipment technician  
351103 data communications technician  
351203 information technology technician  
351406 programming technician  
352203 telecommunications technician

informatyka stosowana
(Applied Informatics)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or informatics or vocational diploma

311412 broadband electronic communications technician  
311413 robotics technician  
351103 data communications technician  
351203 information technology technician  
351406 programming technician

informatyka w ochronie środowiska
(Information Technology in Environmental Protection)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or biology or geography or informatics or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
325511 environmental protection technician

inżynieria bezpieczeństwa pracy 
(Occupational Health and Safety Engineering)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311218 sanitary engineering technician  
311307 energy technician 
311913 gas engineering technician

inżynieria biomedyczna
(Biomedical Engineering)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or biology or  informatics or vocational diploma

311302 rail transport electrical technician  
311303 electrician technician  
311307 energy technician 
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311412 broadband electronic communications technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311909 automation technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
311940 lifting equipment technician  
351103 data communications technician  
351203 information technology technician  
351406 programming technician  
352203 telecommunications technician

inżynieria chemiczna i biochemiczna
(Chemical and Biochemical Engineering)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician

inżynieria materiałowa
(Materials Engineering)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311220 railway construction technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311504 mechanical engineering technician  
311513 automotive technician  
311516 welding technician  
311518 railway vehicle technician  
311705 foundry technician  
311708 metallurgical technician  
311909 automation technician  
311927 road transport technician  
311928 rail transport technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
315105 marine engineering technician  
315317 aviation engineering technician

inżynieria ochrony środowiska
(Environmental Engineering)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311208 environmental engineering technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
325511 environmental protection and land reclamation technician

inżynieria środowiska w budownictwie
(Environmental Engineering in Construction)

foreign language 

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311104 surveying technician  
311204 construction technician  
311208 environmental engineering technician  
311218 sanitary engineering technician  
311913 gas engineering technician  
311929 refrigeration and air conditioning technician 
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
325511 environmental protection and land reclamation technician

inżynieria wzornictwa przemysłowego
(Industrial Design Engineering)

foreign language drawing skills exam

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311219 building completion technician  
311601 paper-making technician  
311912 tanning technician 
311916 shoemaking technician  
311922 wood technology technician  
311926 leather products technology technician  
311931 decorative textile technician  
311932 textile technician  311935 printing process technician  
311936 bookbinding processes technician  
311943 graphics and digital printing technician 
311946 stylist technician  311941 fashion industry technician  
333907 advertising technician  
343105 photography and multimedia technician


foreign language

physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma

311927 road transport technician  
311928 rail transport technician  
331403 economic technician  
333106 port operation technician  
333107 logistics technician  
333108 freight forwarding technician  
522305 commercial and terminal technician

marketing w przemyśle
(Marketing in Industry)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma

331403 economic technician  
333907 advertising technician  
522305 commercial technician

matematyka stosowana
(Applied Mathematics)

foreign language



mechanika i budowa maszyn
(Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311504 mechanical technician  
311513 automotive technician  
311515 agricultural mechanization and agrotronics technician  
311516 welding technician 
311518 railway vehicle technician  
311705 foundry technician 
311708 metallurgical industry technician  
311909 automation technician  
311940 lifting equipment technician  
311942 shipbuilding technician  
315105 marine engineering technician  
315317 aviation engineering technician


foreign language 

physics or informatics or vocational diploma

311302 rail transport electrical technician  
311303 electrician technician  
311307 energy technician 
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311412 broadband electronic communications technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311909 automation technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
311940 lifting equipment technician  
351103 data communications technician  
351203 information technology technician  
351406 programming technician  
352203 telecommunications technician

menedżer żywności i żywienia
(Food and Nutrition Manager)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma

314403 food technology technician  
343404 food and food service technician


foreign language  

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
325511 environmental protection technician

papiernictwo i poligrafia
(Papermaking and Printing Technology)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or informatics or geography or biology or vocational diploma

311601 paper-making technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
311922 wood technology technician  
311935 printing process technician (flexography and offset)  
311936 bookbinding process technician  
311943 graphic arts and digital printing technician 
314301 forestry technician 
333907 advertising technician  
343105 photography and multimedia technician

planowanie przestrzenne
(Urban Planning)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or geography or vocational diploma 

311104 surveying technician  
311204 construction technician  
311216 road construction technician  
314202 landscape architecture technician  
325511 environmental protection technician

systemy sterowania inteligentnymi budynkami 
(Control Systems for Intelligent Buildings)

foreign language

physics or informatics or vocational diploma

311302 rail transport electrical technician  
311303 electrician technician  
311307 energy technician 
311408 electronics technician  
311410 mechatronics technician  
311412 broadband electronic communications technician  
311413 robotics technician  
311909 automation technician  
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician  
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician  
311940 lifting equipment technician  
351103 data communications technician  
351203 information technology technician  
351406 programming technician  
352203 telecommunications technician

technologia chemiczna
(Chemical Technology)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
311603 chemical technology technician  
325511 environmental protection technician

technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka
(Food Technology and Human Nutrition)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma

311103 analytical technician  
314403 food technology technician  
343404 food and food service technician


foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311220 railway construction technician  
311302 rail transport electrical technician  
311407 railway traffic control engineering technician  
311513 automotive technician  
311518 railway vehicle technician  
311927 road transport technician  
311928 rail transport technician  
311940 crane equipment technician  
311942 shipbuilding technician  
315105 marine engineering technician  
315317 aviation engineering technician  
333107 logistics technician  
333108 freight forwarding technician

włókiennictwo i przemysł mody
(Textiles and Fashion Industry)

foreign language

physics or chemistry or vocational diploma

311912 tanning technician 
311916 shoemaker technician  
311926 leather goods technology technician  
311931 decorative textile technician  
311932 textile technician  
311941 fashion industry technician  
311946 styling technician


foreign language drawing skills exam




foreign language

 physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma 

331403 economic technician  
333107 logistics technician  
522305 trade technician

zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji
(Management and Production Engineering)

foreign language  

 physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma 

331403 economic technician  
333107 logistics technician  
522305 trade technician


Failure to achieve a mark in an examination in a given additional subject does not exclude a candidate from the admission procedure, but is equivalent to a zero mark in that subject.


List of recognised vocational diplomas, code and name of the profession

Compulsory subjects Additional subjects Professional diploma, code and name of profession
Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materials

English language* 

second foreign language, 
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma
311103 analytical technician
311603 chemical technology technician
325511 environmental protection technician
Architecture  (English)  mathematics    
English language* 

second foreign language, drawing skills exam, vocational diploma
311210 architectural restoration technician
314202 landscape architecture technician
Biomedical Engineering and Technologies mathematics    
English language*  
second foreign language, physics or chemistry 
or biology or informatics or vocational diploma
311909 automation technician
311413 robotics technician
311408 electronics technician
311410 mechatronics technician
311412 broadband electronic communications technician
352203 telecommunications technician
351103 data communications technician
311303 electrical technician
311307 energy technician
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician
311940 lifting equipment technician
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician
311302 rail transport electrical technician
351203 computer technician
351406 programming technician
Business, Society and Technology (English) mathematics    
English language* 
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma
331403 economic technician
333107 logistics technician
522305 commercial engineering technician
311410 mechatronics technician
311413 robotics technician
311504 mechanical engineering technician
311513 automotive technician
311909 automation technician
Business, Society and Technology (English/French) mathematics    
English* or French language*
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma 331403 economic technician
333107 logistics technician
522305 commercial engineering technician
311410 mechatronics technician
311413 robotics technician
311504 mechanical engineering technician
311513 automotive technician
311909 automation technician
Business Studies mathematics    
English language* 
second foreign language, physics or chemistry or geography or informatics or vocational diploma 331403 economic technician
333107 logistics technician
522305 trade technician
Computer Science mathematics    
English language* *
second foreign language, physics or informatics or vocational diploma 311302 rail transport electrical technician
311303 electrician technician
311307 energy technician
311408 electronics technician
311410 mechatronics technician
311412 broadband electronic communications technician
311413 robotics technician
311909 automation technician
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician
311940 lifting equipment technician
351103 data communications technician
351203 information technology technician
351406 programming technician
352203 telecommunications technician
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering  mathematics    
English language* *
second foreign language, physics or informatics or vocational diploma 311302 rail transport electrical technician
311303 electrician technician
311307 energy technician
311408 electronics technician
311410 mechatronics technician
311412 broadband electronic communications technician
311413 robotics technician
311909 automation technician
311929 refrigeration and air-conditioning technician
311930 renewable energy systems and equipment technician
311940 lifting equipment technician
351103 data communications technician
351203 information technology technician
351406 programming technician
352203 telecommunications technician
Industrial Biotechnology  mathematics    
English language* 
 second foreign language,
physics or chemistry or biology or vocational diploma
311103 analytical technician
311603 chemical technology technician
314403 food technology technician
Information Technology mathematics    
English language* *
second foreign language,
physics or chemistry or informatics
Mathematical Methods in Data Analysis mathematics    
English language* *
second foreign language,
physics or chemistry or informatics
Mechanical Engineering mathematics    
English language* *
second foreign language, 
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma
311408 electronics technician
311410 mechatronics technician
311413 robotics technician
311504 mechanical technician
311513 automotive technician
311515 agricultural mechanics technician
311516 welding technician
311518 railway vehicle technician
311705 foundry technician
311708 metallurgical industry technician
311909 automation technician
311940 lifting equipment technician
311942 shipbuilding technician
315105 shipbuilding technician
315317 aviation and agrotronics technician
Modelling and Data Science mathematics    
English language* *
second foreign language,
physics or chemistry or informatics or vocational diploma
351203 computer technician
351406 programming technician
Textile and Fashion Industry mathematics    
English language* *
second foreign language, 
physics or chemistry or vocational diploma
311912 tanning technician
311916 shoemaker technician
311926 leather products technician
311931 decorative textile technician
311932 textile technician
311941 fashion industry technician
311946 styling technician