Automation and Robot Control
Professional title
Cycle of study
Mode of study
Number of semesters
Language of instruction
Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam
Additional subjects
Professional diploma
Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika
About the field of study
Automation is ubiquitous in all branches of the modern economy, including: industry, transportation, energy, medicine, agriculture, management systems and many others. We are now entering the era of Industry 4.0, with more and more devices operating autonomously, communicating with the environment, and robots working directly with humans. The study of automation and robot control places particular emphasis on the development of knowledge and skills in the creation of control algorithms, industrial automation systems and robot programming. It is one of the most future-oriented fields of development, while graduates easily get good jobs. Statistics show that 85% of automation and robot control graduates get a job offer before they even graduate and get their degree.
Our experts educate according to the world didactic canon in the field of automation and robot control, and will provide excellent training in programming. They impart universal knowledge to solve problems in various industries, today and in the future. They use modern forms of education, including experimentation. They leave plenty of time for activity in scientific circles with guaranteed success in this activity - the SKaNeR, Raptors and Robots-4-Humans groups are prime examples.
The study program is designed to combine subjects from basic sciences, technical and IT issues and at the same time teach interdisciplinary problem solving. Numerous specialized classes, labs and projects help to familiarize students with ways to use the latest technologies. A large share of elective subjects enables students to shape their own professional profiles and deepen their competence in the development of robotic systems, design and programming of industrial automation equipment and vision systems. Students also gain social and interpersonal skills. Among other things, during their studies they have the opportunity to learn the principles of running their own business in the innovation market.
See the detailed study program.
Competencies you will gain
About you
Programming robots, automating industrial processes, or perhaps creating factories without people - take part in the fourth industrial revolution, start studying automation and robot control. Are you curious about what else you can learn?
Above all, you will gain the ability to think systemically, which will enable you to find solutions to a variety of problems. With comprehensive knowledge and practical skills, issues in automation and robot control will have no secrets for you. In addition to mandatory subjects that combine core competencies in mathematics, computer science and other technical disciplines, you will be able to choose additional classes from a wide range of elective subjects. Robot control lab. object-oriented programming, Java or databases? How about DSP systems, autonomous robots or artificial intelligence? You will learn how to protect intellectual property and methods to create a profitable start-up. And if studying isn't enough for you, join the SKaNeR Student Study Group. It's a place for people who want to achieve more. Members of the circle not only construct machines, rovers or drones on their own, but also participate in demonstrations and competitions at the international level.
Students majoring in automation and robot control have no problem getting internships and apprenticeships in interesting places or getting employment that is in line with their interests. This is aided by the nature of the knowledge gained, the need for qualified engineers, and ongoing cooperation with numerous companies. Design classes and theses very often deal with practical problems of business partners.
Job perspectives
- maintenance engineer,
- automation specialist,
- roboticist,
- automation systems designer,
- information systems designer,
- engineering activities in own companies.