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Studenci w laboratorium oglądają preparat chemiczny.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Chemistry W3

Chemical Technology

Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

foreign language
foreign language

Additional subjects

professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311103 technik analityk
311603 technik technologii chemicznej
325511 technik ochrony środowiska
325515 technik gospodarki odpadami

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

Chemical Technology is a field of study at the intersection of chemistry and chemical and process engineering, which in a practical way combines knowledge of the synthesis of chemical products with knowledge of methods for their manufacture using available raw materials and apparatus. Students learn the principles of safe and economical management of raw materials, products, as well as chemical waste. They also learn about the principles of sustainability promoted in modern technologies and environmental issues. Many subjects are conducted in project form in student groups, which facilitates later adaptation in the workplace. Many subjects are conducted in the form of projects in student groups, which facilitates later adaptation in the workplace. Through them, students gain knowledge of the latest technologies used in the industry. From the range of elective classes, you can choose subjects of interest, such as analytical, physical or organic chemistry. Laboratory classes are held in technology halls. This allows to solve real production problems. The course of study will include study visits to industrial plants, expert lectures delivered by industry experts, and additional courses in the operation of industrial equipment, culminating in certification, will be organized. Chemical Technology has been successfully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Universities of Technology (KAUT) and has been awarded the EUR-ACE® Label (European Accredited Engineering Bachelor Degree). 

The study program can be found here


  • waste management, 
  • dye technology and household chemicals, 
  • biomedical technologies, 
  • organic chemical technology, 
  • polymer technology. 

Graduate opinions

I graduated with a degree in Chemical Technology with a specialization in Polymer Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry of Lodz University of Technology. Thanks to the knowledge I gained there, I can easily plan and implement research projects in the field of food packaging.

mgr inż. Robert Gogolewski, R&D Manager, CDM Sp. z o.o., Ksawerów

I am a graduate of chemistry and chemical technology at the Faculty of Chemistry of Lodz University of Technology. In my professional interests, I turned to pharmaceutical chemistry and biochemistry, and my studies at the Faculty of Chemistry gave me an excellent basis for this, enabling me to have extensive contacts with scientific teams around the world.

Dr inż. Marzena Wieczorkowska, Vice President of the Management Board for Research and Development w firmie Pharmena S.A.

Competencies you will gain

Chemical engineering
Process engineering
Environmental Protection
European EUR-ACE® certificate

About you

While your peers were playing with toys, you were working out your first formulas with the little chemist's kit? Or did you sneak baking soda from the kitchen to create a large volcano? Whether your enthusiasm for chemistry is in your genes, acquired in the course of your schooling, or you're anxious to get a lucrative job in industry - chemical technology is always a hit! 

Working in the laboratory and creating innovative products will become your daily routine. You will learn about solutions used in the modern chemical business and have the opportunity to conduct your own advanced scientific research. A great advantage of this field of study is the ability to choose a specialization from five proposed: waste management, dye and household chemistry technology, organic chemical technology, polymer technology and biomedical technology. Regardless of your choice as a Chemical Technology graduate, you will quickly find employment in the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and related industries. You will also be prepared to run your own business. Would you like to make the most of your study time? Choose one of the three student research groups at the Faculty of Chemistry: “Trotyl”, "Nano" and “Polymer”  This will give you an additional opportunity to complete your projects, participate in scientific conferences, student events or integration events. Sound good? If you feel a passion for chemistry, join the student body of the Lodz University of Technology 


Job perspectives

  • technological engineer in chemical plants, plastics processing, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food industries, 
  • engineer in analytical and quality control laboratories, commercial enterprises, state and local government institutions and environmental institutions, 
  • own business