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Zdjęcie w tle
Studenci pracują w hali budowlanej.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering W6

Civil Engineering

Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

foreign language
foreign language

Additional subjects

professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311104 technik geodeta
311204 technik budownictwa
311205 technik budownictwa wodnego
311216 technik budowy dróg
311220 technik budownictwa kolejowego
311221 technik dekarstwa
311942 technik budowy jednostek pływających
351203 technik informatyk
321406 technik programista

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

Civil engineering is a field of study that offers many employment opportunities. Graduates not only know how to design usable buildings, but also how to construct them and manage the construction process. What distinguishes students in this field of study is the ability to apply the latest technologies and materials when creating plans for residential, office and industrial buildings, and the use of the latest technologies and materials. During the course of study, there are interdisciplinary construction-installation-architecture projects conducted in an innovative Problem Based Learning (PBL) formula, supported by subjects implemented in Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology. Training is carried out in accordance with the latest design procedures in force throughout Europe. It's a good choice for individuals who stand firmly on the ground and want to leave a lasting mark. The study program was developed in cooperation with the Lodz District Chamber of Civil Engineers. In recognition of the high quality of education, the Civil Engineering field of study was awarded the prestigious certificate from the Accreditation Commission of Universities of Technology (KAUT) and the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE). The second-cycle Civil Engineering field of study has been awarded an accreditation certificate granted in the 5th edition of the National Competition "Studies with a Future" in 2020. 

The list of subjects taught in each semester is available on the website

Graduate opinions

Even before I wrote my Matura exam, I felt that Civil Engineering was the field with which I would associate my future. After only a few semesters of study, I found out that career paths after graduating from this field are numerous.

Damian Kozanecki - Project Team Lead w PROBUDMIX

I work for a company that plans to transition to coal-free by 2030. This is a transformation that I am involved in and that is happening right before my eyes, and in which I can participate as a specialist after studying Civil Engineering.

Mężczyzna wyciąga ręce i pokazuje produkty swojej firmy.
Dominik Wardęszkiewicz, Analysis and Technology Specialist w firmie Veolia

Competencies you will gain

Material design
Civil Engineering

About you

Studies in the field of ‘Construction Engineering are aimed at all who like to break their heads over projects and are not afraid of hard work. It is an ideal choice for technical souls who want to create something tangible. The field of study attracts future engineers, architecture lovers and those with a knack for project management. 

If you dream of designing modern buildings, are not afraid of challenges and building from scratch, and have a knack for management, then Civil Engineering is for you. In addition to structural design expertise, you will also learn how to bring ecology into the modern world or modernize historic buildings. And if you've always dreamed of owning your own construction company, studying in this field is a good first step toward realizing your dream of owning your own business. 

Lay the foundation for a successful career with us and watch your visions turn into reality! 


Job perspectives

  • design offices 
  • construction of all types of land objects, both cubic and road or engineering structures 
  • offices related to the administration of real estate and the supervision of the construction process 
  • scientific development