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Students working on computers in a classroom.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering W2
International Faculty of Engineering (IFE)

Computer Science

Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



We are not currently recruiting for this field of study

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

english (min 50% from advanced level)

Additional subjects

information technology
information technology
professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311302 technik elektroenergetyk transportu szynowego
311303 technik elektryk
311307 technik energetyk
311408 technik elektronik
311410 technik mechatronik
311412 technik szerokopasmowej komunikacji elektronicznej
311413 technik robotyk
311909 technik automatyk
311929 technik chłodnictwa i klimatyzacji
311930 technik urządzeń i systemów energetyki odnawialnej
311940 technik urządzeń dźwigowych
351103 technik teleinformatyk
351203 technik informatyk
321406 technik programista
352203 technik telekomunikacji
technik automatyki i robotyki (decyzja MEN z 09.07.2019)

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

Computer Science is a course taught in English that presents the latest developments in the very popular and rapidly changing field of computer science. Nearly 40 proposals for specialized classes await future engineers, including designing web and mobile applications, building database applications, programming in Java, C/C++, Phyton, administering computer networks, analyzing data using statistical methods, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Our lecturers are highly qualified staff with teaching experience, academic achievements in the field of computer science, and often business experience. Many classes involve modern educational techniques that develop student creativity and activity, such as Problem Based Learning, Design Thinking, Case Study, and others. Students have the opportunity to develop their skills in research clubs and by participating in projects. They then have at their disposal the world's unique scientific and research laboratories of the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, as well as the Centre for Information Technology at TUL. The 3D cave, multimedia techniques lab and mixed reality labs are just some of the places where you will gain competence at the highest level. The study program is updated in consultation with a number of ICT companies that are also involved in the education process. Graduates have knowledge of computer hardware and competence in programming at a high level of specialization. The education they have received enables them to take up jobs of a diverse nature in the high-tech sector. 

See the detailed study program

Graduate opinions

My studies in Computer Science allowed me to find an interesting job and gave me a solid basis for further development. This field of study is an excellent choice for people who would like to become programmers and work in the IT industry. After graduation, I immediately started working in my field, and I currently work at Netcompany as a principal.

Widok na staw na Politechnice Łódzkiej.
Michał Wilczak, Netcompany

I like to be "up to date" with the possibilities offered by new devices, especially mobile ones. Nowadays, more and more industries are basing their solutions on information systems, so the demand for IT specialists in different areas of the economy. My friends and I graduated from the same field of study, but each of us is fulfilled in completely different areas.

Kobieta siedzi przy laptopie.
Sylwia Kobus, Ericsson.

Competencies you will gain

Information systems design
Database management
Mobile application design
Data analysis
The fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

About you

Do you want the latest information technology to have no secrets from you? Explore the ICT industry and choose Computer Science at Lodz University of Technology! 

The curriculum is designed in consultation with IT companies, so it is constantly updated to ensure the best learning outcomes. During your studies you will learn how to solve a variety of problems in the field of modern technology. Designing applications, building databases or programming (Java, C/C++) are just some of the skills you will acquire. You will learn about embedded and operating systems, learn how to administer computer networks, and gain skills in computer graphics. You will also learn how to use the basics of Artificial Intelligence in your future career. After graduation, you will be able to work as a programmer, database administrator and even a computer game designer, among other positions. 


Job perspectives

  • programmers, 
  • analysts and systems engineers, 
  • database administrators, 
  • Computer game designers and programmers, 
  • Computer network administrators and designers, 
  • specialists in IT installation and maintenance systems