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Two students working with wiring in a classroom.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering W2
International Faculty of Engineering (IFE)

Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering

Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

english (min 50% from advanced level)

Additional subjects

information technology
information technology
professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311302 technik elektroenergetyk transportu szynowego
311303 technik elektryk
311307 technik energetyk
311408 technik elektronik
311410 technik mechatronik
311412 technik szerokopasmowej komunikacji elektronicznej
311413 technik robotyk
311909 technik automatyk
311929 technik chłodnictwa i klimatyzacji
311940 technik urządzeń dźwigowych
351103 technik teleinformatyk
351203 technik informatyk
321406 technik programista
352203 technik telekomunikacji
technik automatyki i robotyki (decyzja MEN z 09.07.2019)
311930 technik urządzeń i systemów energetyki odnawialnej

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering combines the latest developments in electronics, computer science and telecommunications. This is a field of study for those who want more than just programming - for future electronic circuit designers, designers of microprocessor systems and wireless communication networks. Our students develop competence in the analysis and design of electronic circuits, microprocessor systems and their software, electronic equipment technology and design, modern fiber-optic and wireless telecommunications networks. They are well-equipped to work on the development of 5G telecommunications systems, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) and regular teamwork ensures comprehensive development of soft skills. Most of the classes are project and laboratory-based with modern, student-centered teaching methods. Completion of studies conducted entirely in English is a guarantee for graduates to function more easily in an international environment.

The study program is available on the website.

Competencies you will gain

microprocessor systems
electronic equipment technologies
5G+ telecommunications systems
fiber optic networks
Industry 4.0
Internet of Things (IoT)
renewable energy sources

About you

Electronics and telecommunications is one of the fastest growing technology areas. If you want specialized qualifications and a good background for the industry, choose Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering! 

In your studies, you will learn how to stay abreast of the latest developments and how to solve problems in the areas of electronics, telecommunications, computer science. You will gain the ability to perform experiments and measurements to correctly evaluate the operation of an electronic or telecommunications system. You will gain advanced knowledge in building and improving systems according to the needs of users and the environment in which they work. 

With your studies, you will be ready for a varied career in electronics, telecommunications and IT companies, e.g. as a device and systems engineer in consumer electronics, industrial/motor electronics and energy conversion, fiber optic and wireless telecommunications. In addition, thanks to the implementation of the program in English, the mobile semester and modern learning methods, you will be particularly well prepared to work in international, multicultural and interdisciplinary teams. 


Job perspectives

  • companies with electronic, telecommunications, information technology profiles,  
  • IT industry, including mobile solutions, microprocessor systems, IoT, 
  • automotive, renewable energy, home appliances, 
  • Integrators of modern technologies - smart buildings and cities, Industry 4.0, 
  • scientific and research development.