Dear high school graduates, at university it is not only important what knowledge your PhDs and professors will give you. The most important thing is to explore, get inspired, seek to understand and make learning your passion. If you can also share this with others, broadening your horizons, then you are truly growing.
Environmental Engineering
Professional title
Cycle of study
Mode of study
Number of semesters
Language of instruction
Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam
Additional subjects
Professional diploma
Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika
About the field of study
Environmental Engineering is a field of study that responds to contemporary problems of environmental change. Students not only learn to design modern solutions, but also become aware and responsible for the protection of nature. This is extremely important at a time when all human efforts are directed at stopping climate change, which is the biggest challenge for science and the economy globally. The study of environmental engineering is interdisciplinary.It is both technical and technical-naturalistic in nature. Students will learn methods of using advanced solutions for air, water and land surface protection. At the beginning, they learn about the necessary issues in science, and how to use technical achievements in the industry. Specialized classes will prepare them to design and construct environmental equipment and facilities. The acquired knowledge and competencies will enable the implementation of even very complex procedures for, among other things, energy inspections, technical supervision or ecological assessment of the technologies used. Our graduates are well prepared to carry out investment, design, execution, operation and construction work in the field of environmental engineering in all areas of the economy and administration.
The study program is available on the website.
Graduate opinions
While studying environmental engineering, I gained knowledge of technologies for air treatment, wastewater treatment, water treatment, waste management, as well as noise protection.
I highly appreciate my participation in the scientific research group "Octane". I would like to encourage you to pay special attention to this type of additional activity, as future employers consider it as one of the key factors in hiring.
Competencies you will gain
About you
How to apply new technologies that protect nature? Environmental engineering students know the answer to this question! Are you wondering whether to become one of them? Check out the opportunities you will gain by choosing to study at Lodz University of Technology!
Above all, there is increasing talk of a completely new scientific and economic orientation of environmental engineering: fields related to the future of science and the economy are at stake here, and these include the areas of the so-called smart city, smart buildings, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Studying Environmental Engineering, you will gain all the necessary competencies needed to actively participate in the process of creating the latest solutions available in the human space. As an environmental engineering graduate, you will become a desirable employee in the market, especially in this era of increased environmental movements. Your knowledge will help industrial plant owners make changes that not only comply with legal requirements, but also save valuable raw materials.
Job perspectives
- Renewable energy sector,
- The area of municipal management and recycling,
- modern industries smart cities/smart buildings, HVACR,
- Own business in the field of RES and installations, environmental and energy auditing,
- Environmental protection departments in manufacturing plants, companies and public administration,
- scientific and research institutes, state and local government bodies related to environmental protection,
- utilities and sanitation companies,
- analytical laboratories,
- Project offices and institutions involved in integrated environmental management, gas and wastewater treatment, water treatment, waste management, etc...,
- positions related to the design of environmental protection systems (waste gas treatment, wastewater treatment, water treatment or waste treatment), design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems,
- Work in the field of conducting energy audits and thermo-modernization for residential and public buildings, design of installation elements using alternative energy sources.