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Zdjęcie w tle
Kula ziemska oparta o klawiaturę komputera.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Chemistry W3

Information Technology in Environmental Protection

Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

foreign language
foreign language

Additional subjects

information technology
information technology
professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311103 technik analityk
311412 technik szerokopasmowej komunikacji elektronicznej
311603 technik technologii chemicznej
325511 technik ochrony środowiska
351203 technik informatyk
321406 technik programista
325515 technik gospodarki odpadami
351103 technik teleinformatyk

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

Graduates of of this field of study have a broad knowledge of environmental processes and technologies, electrical, electronic and data communications systems, including databases and programming basics. He uses the specialized language of environmental law and makes use of digital repositories of environmental information. He also knows how to independently solve basic problems related to waste management, as well as environmental documentation and the necessary administrative permits that are necessary for the operation of the enterprise. He can plan and implement ICT systems related to environmental protection and other needs of businesses and government agencies. The knowledge acquired during the course of study and the acquired rights to make reports and forecasts of environmental impact assessment, make the graduate a specialist in the field of information technology and practical environmental protection at the level of the enterprise and public administration bodies. 

The study program can be found here


  • EEIA technologies in environmental protection, 
  • environmental technologies. 

Competencies you will gain

Information Technology
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Protection
Keeping Environmental Records
Issuance of administrative permits
ICT systems

About you

How to use IT expertise to positively impact the ecosystem? You will find out about it by choosing Information Technology in Environmental Protection! 

It is a unique combination of two modern fields of study that will allow you to gain a comprehensive education and practical skills. The study program covers areas such as programming, database management or artificial intelligence, but also includes subjects in biology, chemistry or technical engineering. With such a wide range of classes, you will learn about issues crucial to environmental sustainability, such as renewable energy sources and microprocessor circuits. You will also create your first scientific projects. As a student majoring in this field, you will also have the opportunity to obtain rights to perform environmental impact assessments and forecasts, thus gaining broad career prospects. IT companies, administrative offices or companies that use the environment - choose a place that fits your needs! 

Job perspectives

  • IT companies, 
  • Design studios (which implement green investments), 
  • government and local government bodies, 
  • enterprises using the environment, 
  • Consulting and advisory offices operating in the field of environmental protection.