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Zdjęcie w tle
Mężczyzna sprawdza stan magazynu.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Organization and Management W8


Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

foreign language
foreign language

Additional subjects

information technology
information technology
professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311927 technik transportu drogowego
311928 technik transportu kolejowego
331403 technik ekonomista
333106 technik eksploatacji portów i terminali
333107 technik logistyk
333108 technik spedytor
522305 technik handlowiec

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

Logistics is the studies for people who want to gain effective management of a supply organization. Students learn not only to plan, but also to supervise the flow of raw materials and materials between companies. The study program provides general and field-related skills. At the beginning, students learn the basics of management and economics, as well as specialized fields, including commodity science, production and service management, and law. In the core subjects they deal with production and distribution logistics, inventory and supply chain management, design of logistics processes. They will also learn about transportation economics, logistics infrastructure, and environmentalism. They also gain knowledge about how to use modern information systems in logistics. One of the greatest strengths of this field is the combination of management, logistics, information technology with technical elements. The curriculum is tailored to work under Industry 4.0 conditions and includes, e.g., study visits to Polish and foreign plants. The plant visit, which lasts at least two days, features presentations by company representatives and project presentations by students. A very good adaptation of the curriculum to the needs of the labor market is evidenced by the high percentage of students who already at the stage of their studies take up professional activity in the field of logistics in the broadest sense. 

The detailed list of courses taught in each semester can be found on the website

Graduate opinions

From the perspective of my current position, I can already confirm with full confidence that logistics is an extremely wide concept, and the interdisciplinary approach is the greatest advantage of this field of study at TUL. In my opinion, the logistics sector is not threatened by complete automation, so people with potential are the real value.

Kobieta ujęcie z bliska.
Nina Kozłowska, kierownik Działu Logistyki w firmie WnD

Competencies you will gain

Industry 4.0

About you

Logistics is essential for effective process planning. It not only allows for effective implementation of solutions, but also saves time and resources. That is why in almost all fields specialists are in demand who can plan activities "logically." If you would like to join them, Logistics at Lodz University of Technology would be an ideal choice! 

Studying in this field of study will allow you to get an education in line with the latest trends in the labor market. You will gain not only competence in algorithmic thinking, but also issues in related fields, such as marketing, legal basics or management. In the range of elective courses, you will find sets of interesting classes, including managerial and social issues, taught in as many as five different languages to choose from. Above all, as a graduate, you will have all the qualifications necessary for analysis and economic decision-making, as well as logistical, information technology, technical and economic knowledge and organizational skills. This will allow you to start a career in logistics departments, business units and shipping and transport companies. 


Job perspectives

  • logistics departments of manufacturing, trade and service companies, as well as in design and consulting units, 
  • Business units, logistics centers, shipping and transport companies.