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Zdjęcie w tle
Ręce pracują przy tworzeniu robota.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering W2


Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

foreign language
foreign language

Additional subjects

information technology
information technology
professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311302 technik elektroenergetyk transportu szynowego
311303 technik elektryk
311307 technik energetyk
311408 technik elektronik
311410 technik mechatronik
311412 technik szerokopasmowej komunikacji elektronicznej
311413 technik robotyk
311909 technik automatyk
311929 technik chłodnictwa i klimatyzacji
311930 technik urządzeń i systemów energetyki odnawialnej
311940 technik urządzeń dźwigowych
351103 technik teleinformatyk
351203 technik informatyk
321406 technik programista
352203 technik telekomunikacji
technik automatyki i robotyki (decyzja MEN z 09.07.2019)

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary study that combines knowledge and skills related to four areas: electronics, electrical engineering, mechanics and computer science. The graduate of the course will be able to creatively apply in his work those elements of technical knowledge, artificial intelligence and computer engineering that will be most useful to him in solving practical tasks, for example, the design and implementation of mechatronic systems. During the course of the study, emphasis is placed on the use of modern information processing techniques and design support. A large number of laboratory and project classes, as well as a choice of blocks and elective subjects, allow the formation and application of acquired theoretical knowledge and the acquisition of practical skills. The concept of student education is aimed at training human resources for a knowledge-based economy and knowledge of development trends, as well as prepares students for introduction into the field of industrial practice (especially industry engaged in the design and production of milli-scale micro- and nano-devices and mechatronic systems), as well as into the field of technological processes (including industrial ecology), treated as an expression of innovation and development of this branch of the economy. 

The study program is available on the website


Graduate opinions

Mechatronics degree program deals with various issues that are used in the implementation of industrial automation solutions - such as sensors and actuators, computer networks, control theory, electrical machines. This is a great basis for working in a company that specializes in systems integration.

Mężczyzna w hali produkcyjnej.
Maciej Komorowski, Contec Poland

Competencies you will gain

Electrical and electronics
Electrical Engineering
Electronic and mechanical systems
Micro Devices

About you

Does Mechatronics remind you of a scene straight out of the latest Transformers movie? Although the impressive machines have stolen the hearts of viewers around the world, it has not yet been possible to develop such advanced technologies that function in the modern world. If you want to be the first to do so, let us tell you a little more about studying Mechatronics at Lodz University of Technology!  

Mechatronics is a relatively young field of science that focuses on creating electronic and mechanical components. Creating computer models and simulating their operation, operating and programming controls - these are just some of the skills you will test during the hands-on classes. You will gain the competence to prepare technical documentation for mechatronic equipment and design it with constraints and requirements in mind. The interdisciplinary program prepares students to solve contemporary problems in teams. You will also carry out research, starting with proposing a method and carrying out measurements under laboratory conditions, to analyzing them and drawing constructive conclusions. 


Job perspectives

  • research and development laboratories and construction offices in plants using all types of mechatronic systems and equipment 
  • work in the automotive industry (classic cars as well as light electric vehicles), household appliance manufacturing, textile industry performing textronics tasks, precision industry and manufacturing electric drive systems 
  • scientific development