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Students working on an experiment in a laboratory.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Chemistry W3


Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

foreign language
foreign language

Additional subjects

professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311103 technik analityk
311603 technik technologii chemicznej
325511 technik ochrony środowiska i melioracji
325515 technik gospodarki odpadami

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

The development of civilization requires technological solutions that meet modern market requirements. Nanotechnology is the answer to these expectations. It's a field of study that opens up opportunities for students to work in industries that require innovative solutions, such as medicine and the space industry. Nanotechnology graduates also find employment in occupations requiring engineering competencies in chemistry and materials engineering. All this is possible thanks to a study program prepared to convey comprehensive knowledge and skills in chemistry, physics and mechanics. The offer of elective subjects allows students to decide which competencies they want to develop. Environmental ecology and ethics, introduction to sociology or smart polymers are just some of the classes they can choose during studies. Students of nanotechnology have the opportunity to develop not only in the classroom, but also as part of the Student Research Club "Nano", where they design new solutions and participate in numerous events, such as scientific conferences. After completing the first-cycle studies, students can continue at a master's degree program or pursue a combined degree program with the University of Twente, which leads to two degrees! This is an opportunity for them to work on a semester-long R&D project, carried out at research centers or nanotechnology companies in Poland or abroad. 

The study program can be found here


  • functional nanomaterials, 
  • polymeric engineering materials. 

Graduate opinions

Study of Nanotechnology gave me a solid basis for a career in industry, in the role of a materials engineer. I am glad that, thanks to the great flexibility of the study program, I had the opportunity to start my career at Corning Optical Communications already during my master's studies and carry out research and later thesis work for the company.

Mężczyna stoi w showroomie firmy Corning.
Mgr inż. Maciej Danek, Corning Optical Communications Polska

Competencies you will gain

Chemical industry
Smart textiles

About you

Do you want to become an engineer and work on modern solutions to improve the comfort of life and the environment? Are you looking for prospects for a stable and well-paid job? If the answer to at least one of these questions is yes, then Nanotechnology is for you! 

Working in the space industry? Nothing is impossible for Nanotechnology graduates! Space travel requires the use of modern solutions - fast, light and efficient. Miniaturized and versatile innovation, is a product that is extremely desirable in the market, and it is Nanotechnology students who are designing such inventions. Have you perhaps heard of nanocapsules? Medicine is another area where you can develop Designing technologies and developing cutting-edge therapies are just some of the possibilities. Another interesting occupation could be the construction of diagnostic or surgical nanorobots for medicine, or the creation of smart surfaces and biomaterials that will be used to build future dressings, implants or plastics to help heal extensive burns. The most active students are also mentored and study according to an individual study program (IPS), which gives them the opportunity to start research work already during their studies. 

Job perspectives

  • Engineer/designer/technologist in the nanotechnology-related industry and/or chemical industry, 
  • Laboratory employee in academic and industrial research centers.