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Zdjęcie w tle
Maszyna drukarska podczas pracy.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Organization and Management W8
Centrum Papiernictwa i Poligrafii

Papermaking and Printing

Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

foreign language
foreign language

Additional subjects

information technology
information technology
professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311601 technik papiernictwa
311603 technik technologii chemicznej
311922 technik technologii drewna
311935 technik procesów drukowania (fleksografia i offset)
311936 technik procesów introligatorskich
311943 technik grafiki i poligrafii cyfrowej
314301 technik leśnik
333907 technik reklamy
343105 technik fotografii i multimediów

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

The Center of Papermaking and Printing at TUL is a unique unit in the country, educating specialists and conducting scientific research for the needs of the paper, processing and printing industries, among others. During the course of study, extensive general knowledge in the sciences (mathematics, physics chemistry, computer science) and theoretical and practical technical knowledge is conveyed, combining materials engineering, chemical engineering, mechanics, automation in the area of paper and printing. Students will learn about pulp technology, strength of materials and fundamentals of machine construction, as well as principles of management, law, economics and occupational safety. We also care about the full development of the personality of our graduates, so the curriculum also includes subjects on humanities and social issues. The competencies that students gain are based on both the latest world scientific literature, scientific research, and experimental and expert work performed at the Center of Paper and Printing at TUL.  

The study program is available on the website


  • Paper, converting and printing machinery and equipment, 
  • papermaking and printing technology.

Graduate opinions

Paper and Printing Technology is a field of study that offers something for everyone. During classes there is almost a family atmosphere. What I valued most in my major was the diversity of acquired knowledge. Paper and Printing Technology is a unique major, thanks to which the lecturers have very close contact with the industry.

Zdjęcie portretowe studenta.
Dawid Jaskuła, technolog w Polskiej Wytwórni Papierów Wartościowych

The field of study of  Paper and Printing Technology is unique. Professors approach each student individually and know them by name, which creates a warm atmosphere. The demand for specialists in this industry is growing every year, so anyone who has graduated from this field and wants to work in the profession will easily find a job.

Dawid Dobrzelewski, firma VelvetCare

Competencies you will gain

Chemical engineering

About you

Surely you've used the term "ordinary piece of paper" at least once. Paper and printing students, however, know that this is not true. The process of creating a sheet of paper is technologically complex. How to properly select materials and what affects the properties of manufactured products? These are just some of the questions you will learn the answers to by studying at Lodz University of Technology! 

The printing industry is one of the fastest growing branches of the Polish economy. Industrial plants are looking for specialists who can skillfully manage technical processes. Selecting the materials and equipment needed to obtain a product with the desired quality parameters are just some of the competencies you will acquire during your studies. You will learn about both science issues and gain knowledge of the latest technologies.  You will also learn how to use the achievements of microeconomics and management in the printing business, as well as apply the principles of health and safety. Thanks to the close cooperation with many industrial plants of the TUL Paper and Printing Center, you will be able to complete an internship with the possibility of further employment. 


Job perspectives

  • technologist-paper maker, 
  • technologist-pressman, 
  • mechanic-paper marker, 
  • mechanic-pressman,
  • Paper and printing systems designer, 
  • specialist-consultant, 
  • printing department technologist, 
  • paper machine designer, 
  • paper machine technologist, 
  • paper machine manager, 
  • print quality control lab technician.