During my studies, I had the opportunity to attend the classes of many excellent professors, with extensive experience from working in industry, during which I gained practical and up-to-date knowledge of mechanics and power engineering.
Power Engineering
Professional title
Cycle of study
Mode of study
Number of semesters
Language of instruction
Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam
Additional subjects
Professional diploma
Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika
About the field of study
Power Engineering is a field of study run at two faculties. The program is structured to draw from each of them what is best for the student. The goal is to educate the highest quality personnel for the energy industry. Students will learn about the processes of energy generation and long-distance transmission. They know how to design and use machinery and equipment in the energy, fuel industry, and are familiar with the specifics of thermal and refrigeration equipment. They know the ins and outs of renewable energy (heat pumps, wind turbines, photovoltaics), as well as measurement and industrial automation issues.
The study program is available here.
- Power Engineering,
- Power Machinery.
Graduate opinions
Competencies you will gain
About you
Don't you lack the energy to acquire new knowledge? Or do you want to learn more about its production and distribution methods? Power Engineering is a course of study where you will not only learn the answers to these questions, but also acquire a range of useful skills, leading to an engineering title. During your studies you will gain specialized knowledge not only in Power Engineering. The study program includes classes in sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry. In addition, you will gain education in the basics of automation or renewable energy sources. Electricity generation and transmission will have no secrets for you. You will test your knowledge and skills during a paid specialized internship with one of our partners, including ABB, B/S/H or Veolia Energia.
Job perspectives
- R&D companies in the fuel, energy and electrical machinery industries,
- plants related to energy generation and distribution,
- Petrochemical industry design and contracting companies,
- Companies related to the production and operation of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment,
- Institutions related to measurement, machine and equipment diagnostics and industrial automation,
- Companies employing graduates of Power Engineering: ABB, General Electric, Siemens,