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Zdjęcie w tle
A truck and a plane.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering W1


Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Winter semester

Subjects passed at the baccalaureate exam

foreign language
foreign language

Additional subjects

professional diploma
professional diploma

Professional diploma

311220 technik budownictwa kolejowego
311302 technik elektroenergetyk transportu szynowego
311407 technik automatyk sterowania ruchem kolejowym
311504 technik mechanik
311513 technik pojazdów samochodowych
311518 technik pojazdów kolejowych
311927 technik transportu drogowego
311928 technik transportu kolejowego
311940 technik urządzeń dźwigowych
311942 technik budowy jednostek pływających
315105 technik mechanik okrętowy
315317 technik mechanik lotniczy
333107 technik logistyk
333108 technik spedytor
311519 technik elektromobilności

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

No economy could function without transport and its basic service functions, which is why it is so important to educate specialists responsible for the construction and operation of transport means and systems, as well as for the efficient management of a transport company. Transport is a field of study that allows you to master to an advanced degree knowledge of mechanical engineering, issues of traffic control, driving automation, transport economics, as well as risk management of a transport enterprise and supply chain. Many laboratory and design classes are taught by specialists who help translate theory into practice. Students will learn the secrets of hybrid drive systems and computers that control the operation of engines, as well as gain knowledge of how the algorithms that control ASR, ABS, ESP systems work. As a result, the commissioning, operation of transportation means and systems, as well as the planning of transportation services, do not pose difficulties for our graduates, whether on roads and rails or in industrial halls. Students are able to solve transportation problems taking into account technical-economic, legal, technological and logistical conditions, while maintaining safety and environmental requirements. 

The study program can be found here


  • propulsion and operation in transport, 
  • organization of traffic and logistics in transport.

Graduate opinions

The main motivation for me to start studying transport was to develop my interest in automobiles. In retrospect, I am convinced that my decision was right.

Zdjęcie profilowe młodego mężczyzny.
Maciej Tutak, junior constructor w firmie Hydro Extrusion Poland Łódź

Competencies you will gain

Freight forwarding
Transport systems
Hybrid drivetrains
Mechanical Engineering
Motion control

About you

Ever wondered how much planetary gears have in common with our solar system? Have you heard of the green wave? Have you been tinkering with your dad's car, trying to discover what's inside the automatic transmission? What if you could know the answer to all those questions and get an engineering degree for it? This field of study is perfect for automotive fans who want to turn their passion into a profitable business. Do you want to know what awaits you during your studies at Lodz University of Technology? We will teach you what a logistics process and service is and what forwarding is all about. You will gain competence in global logistics, procurement, distribution and transportation. In addition, the construction and operation of vehicles and road infrastructure will have no secrets from you. All these issues will allow you to become a competent specialist and find employment in traffic services, research and scientific laboratories or forwarding. In addition, you will be able to set up your own business and provide transportation or service and repair services. 


Job perspectives

  • maintenance and repair plants of means of transport, units of operation of road and rail transport, 
  • organizational units of road traffic services, rail transport and forwarding companies, 
  • research and development laboratories in the field of mechanical engineering, automation, electronics and electrical engineering, 
  • own transport company, 
  • scientific development.