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A student works on a textile machine.
Jednostka prowadząca kierunek
Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design W4

Design (English)

Professional title


Cycle of study


Mode of study 

full time

Number of semesters


Language of instruction



Summer semester

Dyplom zawodowy
W rekrutacji na ten kierunek nie jest brany pod uwagę dyplom technika

About the field of study

Students of Design (English) deepen their knowledge of the structure and properties of textile products and methods of imparting special properties to textiles. They learn about modern technologies for obtaining special products, styles in art and the creative traditions associated with them, as well as the history of architecture, urban planning, sculpture, painting and handicrafts. They gain knowledge in philosophy, cultural history and design. Students learn how to develop their artistic and workshop skills in a creative and independent way. They create, realize and artistically express their own concepts of design objects. They learn to recognize the important problems of designing design objects and comprehensively define and describe them. The study program takes into account not only artistic subjects such as product design, drawing or aesthetics. Already in the first semester, students choose one of the four proposed specializations and take expert classes related to their chosen career path. 

The study program is available on the website.


  • textile architecture, 
  • outfit architecture, 
  • visual communication and printing techniques. 


Graduate opinions

Lodz University of Technology taught me a much better approach to matter, gave me knowledge related to fabric, knitwear, in other words, taught me the basics of my professional work. I have a very technical approach to many things, I can predict how the fabric will behave in certain situations, what fabrics are better for a certain type of product.

Mężczyzna mówi do kamery.
Jarosław Ewert, fashion designer

Competencies you will gain

Design and production of clothing
Textile design
Graphic design

About you

Design is a field of study for people with a creative approach and a head full of ideas. You have certainly already managed to find out about it during your first-cycle studies which have provided you with good practices and a basis for creating your own designs, but to become a specialist in specific industrial fields, join the second-cycle Design students. As a result, you will be well prepared for the independent and collaborative professional practice of a designer including: designer of textiles, textile home furnishings, apparel and lingerie, and visual and media communication systems. Design graduates are employed, often as early as during their studies, in professions such as textile and knitwear designer, clothing and lingerie designer, clothing stylist, design consultant, visual communication designer, graphic designer. 

The study program complements the knowledge and skills acquired in the first-cycle studies. It provides a broader approach to ongoing projects, thanks to its knowledge of artistic as well as technical problems. You will complete your studies in close cooperation with the industrial sector - you will have work experience in reputable companies. You will be able to independently collect, analyze and interpret information, develop ideas and formulate critical arguments, and skillfully organize work. 


Job perspectives

  • fabric and knitwear designer 
  • clothing and lingerie designer 
  • dress stylist
  • design consultant 
  • visual communication designer 
  • graphic designer