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Świat jest pełen możliwości, zobacz jakie Politechnika Łódzka otworzyła przed absolwentami!
Co mówią nasi absolwenci?
The main motivation for me to start studying transport was to develop my interest in automobiles. In retrospect, I am convinced that my decision was right.

During my first class, I heard from one of the professors: "Mathematics teaches you to think." Indeed, studying mathematics allows one to acquire a number of very important competencies. Students learn to analyze, solve problems and perfect logical thinking, useful in almost any career path.

My cooperation with Polmos began during my second degree. I carried out my master's thesis simultaneously as a student in the Zespół Technologii Spirytusu i Drożdży and as an employee at Polmos Zyrardow. Working at this company gives me a lot of experience, both professionally and in life.